AAF - meaning and definition. What is AAF
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What (who) is AAF - definition

Aaf; AAF (disambiguation)

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Asian American Federation of New York         
Asian american federation of new york
The Asian American Federation is a nonprofit organization working to advance the civic voice of Asian Americans in the New York metropolitan area. Established in 1989, the Asian American Federation of NY supports and collaborates with 70 member and partner agencies to improve quality of life and support philanthropy in the Asian American community.
Azerbaijan Athletics Federation         
The Azerbaijan Athletics Federation () is the governing body for the sport of athletics in Azerbaijan.



AAF may refer to:

Examples of use of AAF
1. AAF plans to expand the program across China and has made inroads in an orphanage in Chengdu.
2. Initial apprehension There was apprehension at first, especially among the nurses, says Rainbow Zhu, another AAF staffer.
3. AAF was already operating in Chengdu, where it has a base for its primary mission÷ rescuing Asiatic black bears kept captive for their bile.
4. Dogs." These three – a golden retriever, a shih–tzu, and a Chinese toy mix – are just some of the more than 300 "canine consultants" from Animals Asia Foundation (AAF), an animal–welfare charity based in Hong Kong.
5. Most large restaurants offer a dog dish or two, and nationwide, dog meat is as easy to find in any big restaurant as a hamburger is in the United States. ‘Friends, not food‘ Ironically, as wealth grows, China‘s appetite for dog meat is gaining at the same time as pet ownership increases, says Jill Robinson, the Briton who started AAF.