Boilerplate - traducción al español
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Boilerplate - traducción al español

Boiler plate; Boilerplates; Boilerplate (disambiguation); Boiler plate (disambiguation)

Texto modelo
boiler plate         
Documento estándar; Tipo de lata gruesa utilizado para la fabricación de barcos y calderas; documento formato (para periódicos); partes de texto que se encuentran en la memoria del ordenador
adhesion contract         
Adhesion contract; Contract of adhesion; Standard forms of contract; Contracts of adhesion; Boilerplate contract; Boilerplate contracts; Standard form contracts; Leonine contract
Contrato de adhesión


n., adj. slang for provisions in a contract, form or legal pleading which are apparently routine and often preprinted. The term comes from an old method of printing. Today "boilerplate" is commonly stored in computer memory to be retrieved and copied when needed. A layperson should beware that the party supplying the boilerplate form usually has developed supposedly "standard" terms (some of which may not apply to every situation) to favor and/or protect the provider.



Boilerplate may refer to:

  • Relatively thick, high-quality sheet steel used in the construction of a boiler
  • Boilerplate text, any text that is or can be reused in new contexts or applications without being changed much from the original
    • Boilerplate code, code that appears in different programs mostly unaltered due to conventions or syntactical requirements to form a minimal program
    • Boilerplate contract, standard form contract between two parties that does not allow for negotiation
    • Boilerplate clause, standard clauses of contractual terms which are included in many contracts
  • Boilerplate (robot), fictional combat robot of the Victorian era and early 20th century, created in 2000 by artist Paul Guinan
  • Boilerplate (spaceflight), non-functional craft, system, or payload which is used to test various configurations and basic size, load, and handling characteristics
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Boilerplate
1. this is just boilerplate, just cloned text.
The Glass Cage - Automation and Us _ Nicholas Carr _ Talks at Google
2. and they're going to read boilerplate from legal contracts.
Ejemplos de uso de Boilerplate
1. I fully expected boilerplate, something about innocent until proved guilty.
2. A little boilerplate would do the Democrats good.
3. As a stylist Spillane was no innovator; the prose was hard–boiled boilerplate.
4. Both sides generally evoked boilerplate answers, often lifted directly from campaign literature.
5. Boilerplate out of Brussels about pooling sovereignty did not work this time.