Cack - meaning and definition. What is Cack
Online Dictionary

What (who) is Cack - definition


·vi To ease the body by stool; to go to stool.
¦ noun Brit. informal excrement.
OE (as cac- in cachu?s 'privy'); based on L. cacare 'defecate'.
Individuals who are of great arrogance, or who are wholly belonging to the mainstream society and laws of social conformity and use that to their advantage. Cacks are also identified as assholes or similar offensive names.
Due to the thirty gallons of coffee you drink every day, and the minimum wage you pay, that automatically makes you, sir, a cack.
Pronunciation examples for Cack
1. Cack on bar.
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2. are doing this in a very cack-handed way.
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Examples of use of Cack
1. This cack–handed, rushed approach is no way to treat such a delicate object.
2. There is a comedy in Pietersen‘s cack–handed fielding and Jones‘s fumbles.
3. The net effect is that, in a desperate and cack–handed effort to comply with EU laws, we have the worst of all worlds.
4. MPs who had been quiet in the run–up to the poll attacked what one called a "cack–handed and self–serving" reshuffle.
5. It contains an artwork, the Martin Droeshout engraving that is our only certain likeness of the bard, but it is a cack–handed portraiture.