Carry Return - traducción al español
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Carry Return - traducción al español

Carry trade; Carry trades; Yen carry trade; Negative carry; Positive carry

Carry Return      
Retorno de carro
Return (programming); Returns; Returns (disambiguation); Return (album); Return (disambiguation); Return (film); Returning (disambiguation); RETURN; Return (song)
billete de ida y vuelta
Return (programming); Returns; Returns (disambiguation); Return (album); Return (disambiguation); Return (film); Returning (disambiguation); RETURN; Return (song)
regresar [Verb]


¦ verb
1. come or go back to a place.
(return to) go back to (a state or situation).
(especially of a feeling) come back after a period of absence.
Golf play the last nine holes in a round of eighteen holes.
2. give or send back or put back in place: return the lamb to the oven and add the olives.
feel, say, or do (the same feeling, action, etc.) in response.
(in tennis and other sports) hit or send (the ball) back to an opponent.
American Football intercept (a pass, kick, or fumble by the opposing team) and run upfield with the ball.
3. yield or make (a profit).
4. (of a judge or jury) state or present (a decision or verdict) in response to a formal request.
5. (of an electorate) elect (a person or party) to office.
6. Bridge lead (a card) after taking a trick.
7. Architecture continue (a wall) in a changed direction, especially at right angles.
¦ noun
1. an act or the action of returning.
(also return match or game) a second contest between the same opponents.
a thing which has been returned, especially an unwanted ticket for an event.
2. (also return ticket) Brit. a ticket allowing travel to a place and back again.
3. (also returns) a profit from an investment.
4. an official report or statement submitted in response to a formal demand: census returns.
Law an endorsement or report by a court officer or sheriff on a writ.
5. (also carriage return) a mechanism or key on a typewriter that returns the carriage to a fixed position at the start of a new line.
(also return key) a key pressed on a computer keyboard to simulate a carriage return.
6. an electrical conductor bringing a current back to its source.
7. Architecture a part receding from the line of the front, for example the side of a house or of a window opening.
by return (of post) Brit. in the next available mail delivery to the sender.
many happy returns (of the day) a greeting to someone on their birthday.
returnable adjective
returner noun
ME: the verb from OFr. returner, from L. re- 'back' + tornare 'to turn'; the noun via Anglo-Norman Fr.


Carry (investment)

The carry of an asset is the return obtained from holding it (if positive), or the cost of holding it (if negative) (see also Cost of carry). For instance, commodities are usually negative carry assets, as they incur storage costs or may suffer from depreciation. (Imagine corn or wheat sitting in a silo somewhere, not being sold or eaten.) But in some circumstances, appropriately hedged commodities can be positive carry assets if the forward/futures market is willing to pay sufficient premium for future delivery. This can also refer to a trade with more than one leg, where you earn the spread between borrowing a low carry asset and lending a high carry one; such as gold during financial crisis, due to its safe haven quality.

Carry trades are not usually arbitrages: pure arbitrages make money no matter what; carry trades make money only if nothing changes against the carry's favor.