Coverage - traducción al Inglés
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Coverage - traducción al Inglés

Coverage (disambiguation)

(n.) = cobertura, alcance
Ex: AACR1 is a weighty code, not because it contains extensive enumeration, but rather because of its comprehensive coverage.
* breadth of coverage = cobertura
* broaden + coverage = ampliar la cobertura
* compensation coverage = indemnizaciones
* coverage overlap = solapamiento de cobertura
* date of coverage = fecha de cobertura, período de cobertura
* depth of coverage = grado de cobertura, nivel de cobertura, exhaustividad de la cobertura
* information coverage = información, documentación
* insurance coverage = póliza de seguros
* journal coverage overlap = solapamiento en la cobertura de las revistas
* news coverage = cobertura informativa
* newspaper coverage = cobertura periodística
* period of coverage = período de cobertura
* press coverage = cobertura periodística
* television coverage = cobertura televisiva
media coverage         
Liberal media bias; Liberal bias; Progressive bias; Conservative bias; Liberal media; Conservative media; Journalistic bias; Media machine; Media Bias; Web bias; Internet bias; Media coverage; News bias; Western media bias; Press bias; Conservative media bias; Media-bias; Religious bias in mass media; Bias in the news media; Bias in news media; Bias in news reporting; Front-end/back-end disproportionality; Biased journalism; Partisan journalism; Bias in journalism; Biased news; Political bias in news media; Political bias in news coverage; Ideological bias in the media; Partisan bias in the media; Ideological bias in media coverage; Political bias in journalism; Right-wing media; Social media bias; Partisan reporting
cobertura periodística, cobertura de los medios de información


¦ noun
1. the extent to which something is covered.
2. the treatment of an issue by the media.
3. US the amount of protection given by an insurance policy.



Coverage may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Coverage
1. coverage?
The Media & Political Coverage _ Joanne Lipman _ Talks at Google
2. coverage.
The Big Picture From Space _ Josef Aschbacher _ Talks at Google
3. coverage.
The Media & Political Coverage _ Joanne Lipman _ Talks at Google
4. coverage.
How to Be Black _ Baratunde Thurston _ Talks at Google
5. And great cultural coverage, great politics coverage,
Pioneering Change in The LGBT Chicago Community _ Tracy Baim _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Coverage
1. Families USA supports expanding health insurance coverage to all Americans, or universal coverage.
2. About 37 million now have prescription drug coverage; most of them had coverage before Jan. 1.
3. "And how can the STC criticize Mobilys coverage when Mobily is using STCs towers for coverage.
4. That coverage is much different than the group coverage offered through an employer.
5. And the coverage on many Arabic news stations is the opposite of the coverage in Israel.