FOB - meaning and definition. What is FOB
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What (who) is FOB - definition

F.o.b.; FOB; F.O.B.; FOB (disambiguation); Fob (disambiguation)

·noun A little pocket for a watch.
II. Fob (·vt) To beat; to Maul.
III. Fob (·vt) To cheat; to Trick; to impose on.
¦ noun a chain attached to a watch for carrying in a waistcoat or waistband pocket.
?a small ornament attached to a watch chain.
?(also fob pocket) a small pocket for carrying a watch.
?a tab on a key ring.
C17: origin uncertain; prob. related to Ger. dialect Fuppe 'pocket'.
¦ verb (fobs, fobbing, fobbed) (fob someone off) deceitfully attempt to satisfy someone by making excuses or giving them something inferior.
?(fob something off on) give something inferior to.
ME (in the sense 'cheat out of'): origin uncertain; perh. related to Ger. foppen 'deceive, banter', or to fop.



Fob or FOB may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for FOB
1. Perhaps it's in your fob.
Waiting for Godot
2. These hardware engineers would then fob off their design to
Mastery _ Robert Greene _ Talks at Google
3. So they'll fob you off with a thing called the portfolio
Confessions of a Microfinance Heretic _ Hugh Sinclair _ Talks at Google
4. A lot of people use the remote on their car key fob
Krav Maga _ Gershon Ben Keren _ Talks at Google
5. because they didn't want to be grouped in as like a FOB,
Yang _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of FOB
1. The militants engaged the FOB with small arms and rockets.
2. Sessions joined the Senate in 1''7, Alabama‘s governor, Fob James, appointed Mr.
3. When Mr Gorman took the fob apart, he noticed that the immobiliser chip was missing.
4. You know, we‘ve got on–FOB work programs, these brick factories.
5. "I‘m not going to sit back at FOB Lagman," says Lt.