JANK - meaning and definition. What is JANK
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What (who) is JANK - definition

Frank Jackson (philosopher); Jank fraction; Allan Cameron Jackson

Jank (disambiguation)
Unlikely occurrence derived form incredible amounts of luck.
Hitting on a 19 to make 21 was pure jank.
Angelo Jank         
  • Angelo Jank (date unknown)
  • Parforcejagd (Hunting with animals, a title borne by several of his works)
  • The UK Christmas and New Year's angel
GERMAN PAINTER (1868-1940)
Angelo Jank (30 October 1868 in Munich – 9 October 1940 in Munich) was a German animal painter, illustrator and member of the Munich Secession. He was the son of the German painter Christian Jank and specialized in scenes with horses and riders.
Jank (surname)         
  • [[Christian Jank]], about 1880
Jank is a German language family name. The family tree traces back to Hinrich Jank (1576–1673) of Oberlausitz.


Frank Cameron Jackson

Frank Cameron Jackson FBA (born 31 August 1943) is an Australian analytic philosopher and Emeritus Professor in the School of Philosophy (Research School of Social Sciences) at Australian National University (ANU) where he had spent most of the latter part of his career. His primary research interests include epistemology, metaphysics, meta-ethics and the philosophy of mind. In the latter field he is best known for the "Mary's room" knowledge argument, a thought experiment that is one of the most discussed challenges to physicalism.

Pronunciation examples for JANK
1. And I was like, this is not jank.
2 Dope Queens _ Jessica Williams & Phoebe Robinson _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of JANK
1. "When you live there, they‘re not just statistics, they‘re not a tribe, they‘re not an endangered species –– they‘re just people," Jank said.
2. Chavez has also said the missionaries were destroying indigenous cultures by proselytizing –– a criticism that Jank acknowledged was tougher to counter.
3. Jank left most of her belongings in the simple home that she offered to a Yanomami family, which promptly moved in –– the children delighted as they poked holes through its unfamiliar walls and screens.
4. To overcome the bureaucracy of the process, Brazil set up a think–tank headed by Marcos Jank, a trade expert who headed Brazil‘s agricultural negotiating team at the WTO ministerial meeting in Cancún, Mexico, in 2003.
5. Before leaving, Marg Jank –– a 67–year–old originally from Toronto, Ontario, who spent 44 years with the remote Yanomami Indians –– said the tribe handed her its last stash of grimy bolivar bills so she could send a final shipment of cornmeal, rice and other staples.