Jewbu - meaning and definition. What is Jewbu
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What (who) is Jewbu - definition

Jewish Buddhists; Buddhist Jews; Bujus; Bujews; Bujew; JuBu; Jubus; Jewish Buddhism; Judeo-Buddhism; Jewbu

A Jewish Buddhist
Did you see the Jewbu in the shrine room today? (I'm Jewish and got my MA in Buddhist Studies, so I heard the term alot) by the way, it's not derogatory.
Jewish Buddhist         
A Jewish Buddhist (or JewBu, a term first brought into wide circulation with the publication of The Jew in the Lotus (1994) by Rodger Kamenetz.) is a person with a Jewish background who practices forms of Dhyanam Buddhist meditation, chanting or spirituality.


Jewish Buddhist

A Jewish Buddhist is a person with a Jewish background who practices forms of Dhyanam Buddhist meditation, chanting or spirituality. When the individual practices a particular religion, it may be both Judaism and Buddhism. However, in many cases their ethnic designation is Jewish while the individual's main religious practice is Buddhism. Rodger Kamenetz introduced the term JewBu or JUBU in his 1994 book The Jew in the Lotus.