Kerning - traducción al español
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Kerning - traducción al español

Vertical Kerning; Law of Optical Volumes; Kearning; Kern (typography); Kerning pair
  • Some words are particularly difficult to space. The name of the [[Okavango River]] in southwest Africa is difficult because the letters ''AVA'' fit together well, but this makes the spaces on either side seem very large. Either wider or tighter letter spacing may help here.

  • KERN logo while broadcast on 1410 AM
  • KERN logo on 1180 AM December 30, 2008
KERN (AM); K241CI; User:Rudy2alan/K241CI
(n.) = asta, terminal, remate

Def: En tipografía, trazo que dibuja la forma de una letra; a veces se refiere al trazo que sobresale por encima o por debajo del cuerpo de la letra.
Ex: Indeed, the Clarendon Press kept a Napier double platen machine at work until 1950 for the sake of its gentleness with the delicate kerns of Fell italic.
Kerned letters      
Letras solapadas


· & ·vb.n. of Kern.



In typography, kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result. Kerning adjusts the space between individual letterforms, while tracking (letter-spacing) adjusts spacing uniformly over a range of characters. In a well-kerned font, the two-dimensional blank spaces between each pair of characters all have a visually similar area. The term "keming" is sometimes used informally to refer to poor kerning (the letters r and n placed too close together being easily mistaken for the letter m).

The related term kern denotes a part of a type letter that overhangs the edge of the type block.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Kerning
1. revolution, people figured out fonts and kerning
The New Industrial Revolution _ Chris Anderson _ Talks at Google
2. kerning and flow and wrap-around, but we got
The New Industrial Revolution _ Chris Anderson _ Talks at Google
3. for extended reading, learning about kerning and optical
The Accidental Terrorist _ William Shunn _ Talks at Google
4. I'm gonna type set this book myself. I'm gonna make sure that all the kerning is right. I
Kill Decision _ Daniel Suarez _ Talks at Google