NAC - meaning and definition. What is NAC
Online Dictionary

What (who) is NAC - definition

N.A.C.; NAC (disambiguation); Nac

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National Advisory Council on International Monetary and, Financial Policies
  •  doi-access = free }}</ref>
Networks and Communications
  •  doi-access = free }}</ref>
Network Administration Center



NAC may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for NAC
1. NAC-- N-acetyl cysteine--
The Best Possible You _ Hannah Richards _ Talks at Google
2. But NAC or glutathione is exponentially
The Best Possible You _ Hannah Richards _ Talks at Google
3. it's called NAC, Network Analysis Centre.
4. you'd be on shots of NAC all the time.
The Best Possible You _ Hannah Richards _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of NAC
1. The party has also demanded abolition of the NAC.
2. Nac was from a mining town that had attracted workers from all over Yugoslavia.
3. Asked whether NAC still exists, Singh said "it is very much there." To a question on when the new head of NAC would be announced, Singh said "these issues will be decided in due course."
4. But my brother, who is 1', doesnt know it at all, Nac replied.
5. Earlier, government sources said the NAC chairpersonship was not among the exempted list so far.