Nitus - meaning and definition. What is Nitus
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What (who) is Nitus - definition

Cool, to be cool, to describe something cool.
That is one nitus song.
In Catalan mythology, Nitus are small matter, impossible to describe by their smallness, which fall into a person's ear and go to the brain. They do not kill, but are said to feed like maggots on the memory and create tiredness and forgetfulness.
Nitu Mandke         
Nityanand Mandke was an eminent and successful cardiac surgeon from Mumbai. He had carried out over 10,000 cardiac surgeries which is one of the records.


In Catalan mythology, Nitus are small matter, impossible to describe by their smallness, which fall into a person's ear and go to the brain. They do not kill, but are said to feed like maggots on the memory and create tiredness and forgetfulness.