Parlance - meaning and definition. What is Parlance
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What (who) is Parlance - definition


¦ noun a particular way of using words, especially one common to those in a subject: medical parlance.
C16 (denoting speech or debate): from OFr., from parler 'speak', from L. parabola 'comparison' (in late L. 'speech').
A concurrent language. ["Parallel Processing Structures: Languages, Schedules, and Performance Results", P.F. Reynolds, PhD Thesis, UT Austin 1979]. (1994-12-12)
·noun Conversation; discourse; talk; diction; phrase; as, in legal parlance; in common parlance.
Pronunciation examples for Parlance
1. usual parlance: magnetic.
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2. But they're mostly, in Nigerian parlance, hustlers
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3. but on road, basically, is street parlance
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4. kind of a mess, in common parlance
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5. A term that now is common parlance
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Examples of use of Parlance
1. In medical parlance, it’s called inpatient treatment.
2. In Westminster parlance, Mr Blunkett is accident prone.
3. In real estate parlance: location, location, location.
4. "Second–tier" was not even part of the political parlance.
5. In political parlance, "Tiny" was a "vapor," or "ghost," ad.