Policies - ترجمة إلى العربية
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Policies - ترجمة إلى العربية

Policies; Political strategy; Policy cycle; Policies and procedures; Policy model; Official Policy; Policy maker; Policy-maker; Policy based; Policymaker; Policy making; Political tactics; Policy-makers; Policymakers; Policies and Procedures; Policy development; Policy Development; Policy (principle); Tactical politics; Policy or practice; Political policy; Political option; Policy instrument; Policy instruments; Policy tool; Policy tools; Policymaking; Redistributive policy; Constituent policy; Distributive policy; Regulatory policy; Redistributive policies
  • [[Blavatnik School of Government]] building
  • [[Balsillie School of International Affairs]] at the [[CIGI Campus]]
  • Example of the policy cycle concept.




سياسات، بوالص تأمين
اسْم : حكمة . سياسة . دهاء سياسي . عَقْد أو سند تأمين



Policy is a deliberate system of guidelines to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization. Policies can assist in both subjective and objective decision making. Policies used in subjective decision-making usually assist senior management with decisions that must be based on the relative merits of a number of factors, and as a result, are often hard to test objectively, e.g. work–life balance policy... Moreover, Governments and other institutions have policies in the form of laws, regulations, procedures, administrative actions, incentives and voluntary practices. Frequently, resource allocations mirror policy decisions.

Policy is a blueprint of the organizational activities which are repetitive/routine in nature.

In contrast, policies to assist in objective decision-making are usually operational in nature and can be objectively tested, e.g. password policy.

The term may apply to government, public sector organizations and groups, as well as individuals, Presidential executive orders, corporate privacy policies, and parliamentary rules of order are all examples of policy. Policy differs from rules or law. While the law can compel or prohibit behaviors (e.g. a law requiring the payment of taxes on income), policy merely guides actions toward those that are most likely to achieve the desired outcome.

Policy or policy study may also refer to the process of making important organizational decisions, including the identification of different alternatives such as programs or spending priorities, and choosing among them on the basis of the impact they will have. Policies can be understood as political, managerial, financial, and administrative mechanisms arranged to reach explicit goals. In public corporate finance, a critical accounting policy is a policy for a firm/company or an industry that is considered to have a notably high subjective element, and that has a material impact on the financial statements.

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1. taxing policies, labor policies--
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2. different policies, international policies,
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3. policies.
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4. 'Polícia.'
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5. policies?
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أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Economic policies, and specifically monetary policies, should follow and react to current realities.
2. Insurance policies cover some costs, but policies differ across the country.
3. Anthrocentric policies, policies where people matter, is the way to close the human dignity divide.
4. What they have to teach us is policies and the conjunction of how different policies work.
5. They insist on their policies there, although they are failed policies," he said.