Read-only - traducción al español
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Read-only - traducción al español

Read only; Read-only (disambiguation)

Sólo lectura
= de sólo lectura
Ex: However, magnetic storage is easily erased and overwritten, while optical media are usually of the read-only (permanent or semi-permanent) type.
read only         
Leer únicamente, Fichero o dispositivo de almacenamiento que no se puede cambiar su contenido o borrarlo


memoria ROM
véase ROMROM .



In computer technology, read-only can refer to:

  • Read-only memory (ROM), a type of storage media
  • Read-only access to memory using memory protection
  • Read-only access to files or directories in file system permissions
  • Read-only access for database administrators in database system permissions
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Read-only
1. what we could call read-only culture.
2. but I read only physical books, and then
The Obstacle is the Way _ Ryan Holiday _ Talks at Google
3. the instructions would simply read, only change the parts
The Poetics of Saving the World _ Joseph Green _ Talks at Google
4. in which people read only articles that confirm
How to Tell Stories with Data _ David Leonhardt _ Talks at Google
5. not in a passive society, a read-only society,
Ejemplos de uso de Read-only
1. We would read only Italian books and discuss them in Italian.
2. Even Bill Gates, he says, can read only a handful of pages before printing out.
3. His sons, who say they have read only parts of the journal, rejected the explanation.
4. "If this tendency continues, our children will read only what they are told to read in school," Sobkin said.
5. But it would be unfortunate if Obama‘s words were read only as an attempt to win white votes.