Sleeper - meaning and definition. What is Sleeper
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What (who) is Sleeper - definition

Sleeper (movie); Sleeper (fish); Sleeper (disambiguation); The Sleepers (Band); The Sleepers; Sleeper (album); The Sleepers (disambiguation); Rags (robot dog); The Sleepers (band); Sleeper (film); The Sleeper; The Sleeper (film)

You can use sleeper to indicate how well someone sleeps. For example, if someone is a light sleeper, they are easily woken up.
I'm a very light sleeper and I can hardly get any sleep at all...
N-COUNT: adj N
In British English, a sleeper is a carriage on a train containing beds for passengers to sleep in at night, or a section of such a carriage. The usual American words are sleeping car
for the carriage and roomette
for the section.
A sleeper is a train with beds for its passengers to sleep in at night. (BRIT)
Railway sleepers are large heavy beams that support the rails of a railway track. (BRIT; in AM, use ties
N-COUNT: oft n N
·noun A sleeping car.
II. Sleeper ·noun That which lies dormant, as a law.
III. Sleeper ·noun The lowest, or bottom, tier of casks.
IV. Sleeper ·noun An animal that hibernates, as the bear.
V. Sleeper ·noun Something lying in a reclining posture or position.
VI. Sleeper ·noun A nurse shark. ·see under Nurse.
VII. Sleeper ·noun A large fresh-water gobioid fish (Eleotris dormatrix).
VIII. Sleeper ·noun One who sleeps; a slumberer; hence, a drone, or lazy person.
IX. Sleeper ·noun One of the knees which connect the transoms to the after timbers on the ship's quarter.
X. Sleeper ·noun One of the joists, or roughly shaped timbers, laid directly upon the ground, to receive the flooring of the ground story.
XI. Sleeper ·noun One of the pieces of timber, stone, or iron, on or near the level of the ground, for the support of some superstructure, to steady framework, to keep in place the rails of a railway, ·etc.; a stringpiece.
¦ noun
1. a sleeping car or a train carrying sleeping cars.
N. Amer. a sofa or chair that converts into a bed.
chiefly N. Amer. a sleepsuit for a baby or small child.
2. a film, book, play, etc. that eventually achieves success after initially attracting little attention.
3. a secret agent who remains inactive for a long period while establishing a secure position.
4. Brit. a ring or bar worn in a pierced ear to keep the hole from closing.
5. Brit. a wooden or concrete beam laid transversely under railway track to support it.
6. a stocky fish with mottled coloration. [Dormitator and other genera.]



A sleeper is a person who is sleeping.

Sleeper may also refer to:

Pronunciation examples for Sleeper
1. movie, Sleeper.
NBC's Indebted _ Fran Drescher _ Talks at Google
2. sleeper units or something.
Pretty Much Everything _ Aaron Draplin _ Talks at Google
3. you're a great sleeper.
All In Nutrition _ Jason Phillips _ Talks at Google
4. Layla's a sleeper.
The Recruit (2003)
5. to rouse a sleeper.
The Tides of Mind _ David Gelernter _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Sleeper
1. "Can you tell us about sleeper cells?" a recruit asked.
2. A TRIBUTE TO THE SLEEPER Extract from a reworking of WH Audens Night Mail: This is the sleeper crossing the border Ministers whisper we cannot afford her.
3. Don‘t expect another Japanese–inspired sleeper like "The Ring," though.
4. Depleting the sleeper sharks in turn hurts the pollock population.
5. But the authorities insist on running sleeper services.