Taxable - ترجمة إلى العربية
قاموس على الإنترنت

Taxable - ترجمة إلى العربية

Taxable wage



خاضِعٌ لِلضَّريبَة ; ضَرِيبِيّ ; مُخْضَعٌ لِلضَّرِيبَة ; مُكَلَّف

خاضع للضريبة
خاضع للضريبة


Taxable income is income on which you have to pay tax.
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Taxable wages

Taxable wages, in payroll, is the sum of all earnings by an employee that are eligible for a particular type of tax. Each tax is different and has different regulations about limits to the amount of wages that can be considered taxable with respect to that tax.

In the United States, contributing to a 401(k) account will cause one's taxable wages to be lower than gross wages. Some taxes, such as Social Security, have other exemptions.

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أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Bush‘s proposal would treat health insurance benefits as taxable income.
2. Municipal bonds typically pay lower interest than taxable bonds.
3. Total taxable revenue of corporations were YTL 42.5 billion.
4. That means a civil union partner‘s taxable income for state purposes will be different from the taxable income reported on their W–2 form.
5. In addition, the contributions will reduce your overall taxable income.