Uncertainties - ترجمة إلى العربية
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Uncertainties - ترجمة إلى العربية

Measurement Uncertainty; Measuring uncertainty; Uncertainty of measurement; Type B evaluation of uncertainty; Type A evaluation of uncertainty; Interval of uncertainty; Measurement uncertainties



إِبْهام ; إِشْكال ; اِخْتِلاط ; اِرْتِيَاب ; اِشْتِباه ; اِلْتِباس ; تَشَكُّك ; تَشْكِيك ; تَشَوُّش ; دَخْل ; دِقَّة ; رَيْب ; رِيبَة ; شَكّ ; عُجْمَة ; غُمُوض ; لَبْس ; لُبْس

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  • ميكروسكوب هايزنبرج لأشعة غاما لتحديد موضع الإلكترون (كما هو موضح باللون الأزرق)، أشعة غاما المنعكسة (كما هو موضح باللون الأخضر) تشتت من قبل الإلكترون بزاوية θ من فتحة الميكروسكوب، شعاع غاما المشتت يظهر باللون الأحمر، تفسر البصريات الكلاسيكية أن موضع الإلكترون لا يمكن معرفته إلا من خلال عدم التأكد في الموضع Δx الذي يعتمد على الزاوية θ والطول الموجي λ للشعاع المنعكس..
مبدأ التشكيك و عدم اليقين البَّاري الخاص بالتتربب الإلكتروني ( الإلكترونات )
مبدأ الارتياب; مبدأ الإرتياب; مبدأ عدم اليقين; مبدأ اللايقين هايزنبرج; مبدأ الشك; عدم التأكد; مبدأ الريبه; مبدأ عدم التأكد; مبدأ اللايقين; Uncertainty principle


Measurement uncertainty

In metrology, measurement uncertainty is the expression of the statistical dispersion of the values attributed to a measured quantity. All measurements are subject to uncertainty and a measurement result is complete only when it is accompanied by a statement of the associated uncertainty, such as the standard deviation. By international agreement, this uncertainty has a probabilistic basis and reflects incomplete knowledge of the quantity value. It is a non-negative parameter.

The measurement uncertainty is often taken as the standard deviation of a state-of-knowledge probability distribution over the possible values that could be attributed to a measured quantity. Relative uncertainty is the measurement uncertainty relative to the magnitude of a particular single choice for the value for the measured quantity, when this choice is nonzero. This particular single choice is usually called the measured value, which may be optimal in some well-defined sense (e.g., a mean, median, or mode). Thus, the relative measurement uncertainty is the measurement uncertainty divided by the absolute value of the measured value, when the measured value is not zero.

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. uncertainties for business.
2. of uncertainties in them.
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3. lines and forecast uncertainties.
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4. There's always uncertainties.
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5. There's lots of uncertainties.
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أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Uncertainties about energy demand are another factor.
2. "The uncertainties are lingering and tension deepening."
3. These theories obscure uncertainties inherent in all legal reasoning.
4. "The government decision leaves many uncertainties," she says.
5. Both the states were facing political uncertainties now, Naidu said.