negotiate - significado y definición. Qué es negotiate
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Qué (quién) es negotiate - definición

Negotiate with Love         
«Negotiate With Love» es el primer sencillo del álbum Come & Get It de Rachel Stevens, editado en 2005. Este sencillo alcanzó en ventas el puesto número 10 en Reino Unido y vendió 35 000 copias.
Ejemplos de uso de negotiate
1. Russia has to negotiate such deals with each of its trade partners before it can join the WTO.
2. Other corrupt union leaders, known derisively as "charros," turned a blind eye as employers set up "ghost," or phony unions, to negotiate unfavorable contracts with workers.
3. Sources close to Gordillo on Sunday said that she had told the PRI‘s leadership that she would not step aside nor negotiate her right to succeed Madrazo.
4. The CROC holds the legal right to negotiate for the newspaper‘s employees, although Noticias‘ management noted that none of the paper‘s employees had opted to join the picket lines.
5. The CROC spokesman on Tuesday said the 25 percent figure had merely been a bargaining tool, and that it had been prepared to negotiate a raise in the single digits.