chimp - meaning and definition. What is chimp
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What (who) is chimp - definition

Chimp (disambiguation)         
The Chimp
Chimp or chimpanzee is a species of great ape native to the forests and savannas of tropical Africa.
  • Chimpanzee named "Gregoire" on 9 December 2006, born in 1944 (Jane Goodall sanctuary of Tchimpounga, [[Republic of the Congo]])
  • A mother with young eating ''Ficus'' fruit in [[Kibale National Park]], Uganda
  • Males in Mahale National Park, Tanzania
  • Poster for the 1931 film ''Aping Hollywood''. Media like this relied on the novelty of performing apes to carry their gags.<ref name="Van Riper 19" />
  • Group in Uganda
  • Chimpanzees using twigs to dip for ants
  • Adult male eastern chimpanzee snatches a dead [[bushbuck antelope]] from a baboon in [[Gombe Stream National Park]].
  • Feeding station at Gombe, where [[Jane Goodall]] used to feed and observe the chimpanzees
  • Infant and mother
  • lice]]
  • 1893}}
  • Human and chimpanzee skull and brain. Diagram by [[Paul Gervais]] from ''Histoire naturelle des mammifères'' (1854).
  • Skeleton
  • P. humanus]]''.
  • Gio tribe]], Liberia
  • Cameroonian chimpanzee at a rescue centre after its mother was killed by poachers
  • Two juvenile central chimpanzees, the subspecies ''Pan troglodytes troglodytes''
  • issn=1476-4687}}</ref>
Pan troglodytes; Chimpanzees; Common chimpanzee; Common chimpanzees; Chimps; Robust Chimpanzee; Robust chimpanzee; Chimpanjee; Pan troglodyte; Anthropopithecus troglodytes; Chimp attack; Common Chimpanzees; Common Chimpanzee; Common chimp; Robust chimp; Simia troglodytes; Troglodytes niger; Pan niger; Chimp attacks; Behavior of common chimpanzees; Hunting behavior of common chimpanzees; Tool use by chimpanzees; Hunting behavior of chimpanzees; Chimp; P. troglodytes
A chimp is the same as a chimpanzee
  • Chimpanzee named "Gregoire" on 9 December 2006, born in 1944 (Jane Goodall sanctuary of Tchimpounga, [[Republic of the Congo]])
  • A mother with young eating ''Ficus'' fruit in [[Kibale National Park]], Uganda
  • Males in Mahale National Park, Tanzania
  • Poster for the 1931 film ''Aping Hollywood''. Media like this relied on the novelty of performing apes to carry their gags.<ref name="Van Riper 19" />
  • Group in Uganda
  • Chimpanzees using twigs to dip for ants
  • Adult male eastern chimpanzee snatches a dead [[bushbuck antelope]] from a baboon in [[Gombe Stream National Park]].
  • Feeding station at Gombe, where [[Jane Goodall]] used to feed and observe the chimpanzees
  • Infant and mother
  • lice]]
  • 1893}}
  • Human and chimpanzee skull and brain. Diagram by [[Paul Gervais]] from ''Histoire naturelle des mammifères'' (1854).
  • Skeleton
  • P. humanus]]''.
  • Gio tribe]], Liberia
  • Cameroonian chimpanzee at a rescue centre after its mother was killed by poachers
  • Two juvenile central chimpanzees, the subspecies ''Pan troglodytes troglodytes''
  • issn=1476-4687}}</ref>
Pan troglodytes; Chimpanzees; Common chimpanzee; Common chimpanzees; Chimps; Robust Chimpanzee; Robust chimpanzee; Chimpanjee; Pan troglodyte; Anthropopithecus troglodytes; Chimp attack; Common Chimpanzees; Common Chimpanzee; Common chimp; Robust chimp; Simia troglodytes; Troglodytes niger; Pan niger; Chimp attacks; Behavior of common chimpanzees; Hunting behavior of common chimpanzees; Tool use by chimpanzees; Hunting behavior of chimpanzees; Chimp; P. troglodytes
Someone who follows instructions blindly but never considers the reason.Trained to do something without understanding the reason why (as a trained animal).
These reports are a disaster. Didn't anyone understnad why we were doing them? These people are chimps.
Pronunciation examples for chimp
1. makes chimp.
Herding Hemingway's Cats _ Kat Arney _ Talks at Google
2. with the chimp.
Herding Hemingway's Cats _ Kat Arney _ Talks at Google
3. the chimp follows it, the chimp will sort of
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4. or monkey, it's a chimp--
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5. about chimps and chimp conservation.
Disneynature Chimpanzee Photographer _ Bill Wallauer _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of chimp
1. He moved like a chimp, walked like a chimp and even talked like a chimp.
2. "He‘s a very personable, sweet, nice chimp," McCasland said.
3. The chimp exhibit was a centerpiece at the small zoo.
4. In only one of the 22 observations did a chimp get a bush baby.
5. Chimp–like grasping toes will tip the argument in favour of a well–developed climbing ability.