clueful - meaning and definition. What is clueful
Online Dictionary

What (who) is clueful - definition

Having a clue. Adeptness. Antonym of clueless.
That was a very clueful way of handling the problem.
Pronunciation examples for clueful
1. "clueful" writer there was.
Jean Kwok _ Girl In Translation _ Talks at Google
2. They decide if you're clueful, which is
Tubes - A Journey to the Center of the Internet _ Andrew Blum _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of clueful
1. Watch out, its a race as to who gets to you first÷ plods who suspect you of being clueful, or the word–hunters from the dictionaries.
2. It is possible! 2'.07.05 Witchcraft legalised in Victoria! 21.07.05 Full Coverage Mumbai Floods Day in Pics SelectDiscovery in SpaceRam Temple TurmoilJustice for ImranaWimbledon 2005Advani‘s resignationBollywood icon÷ Sunil DuttSamrat Shah RukhOne Year of UPA RuleThe Great Indian DebateParveen Babi‘s DeathNRI NewsKanchi Seer‘s ArrestAmbani vs AmbaniGujarat RiotsJ–K MonitorIndia Pak TalksIndia–Aus SeriesIndia–Pak SeriesIslamabad SummitIndia Down UnderWar on IraqNE MonitorIndia–Pak Face OffPak Nuke LeakElections 2003 There are plenty of other monstrosities÷ clueful (knowledgeable), greige (a colour between grey and beige) and the truly dreadful multi–task.