codish - meaning and definition. What is codish
Online Dictionary

What (who) is codish - definition

- 1. The uniquely personal dialect a person uses to say code out loud.
Since there's no standard, everyone has his own way of speaking it, with humourous results.
Just listen to two coders attempt to engage in conversation over a programming problem - hilarity!
Good gravy, Billy has been hacking so long today he's ordering his lunch in codish!
Examples of use of codish
1. Some of the internal medicine and geriatric wards were closed, as were a number of the operating rooms," Codish said.
2. Shlomi Codish explained yesterday, "we transferred three delivery wards to the new building, only one floor of which is completed, and also moved the preemie ward, including 20 premature infants in serious condition.
3. They are ready to suffer the missiles." At 5:15 p.m., Shlomo Codish, the deputy director of Beersheba‘s biggest hospital, proudly declared that the facility could withstand a biological or chemical attack.