decouple - meaning and definition. What is decouple
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What (who) is decouple - definition

Decouple; Decoupling (disambiguation)
v. (D; tr.) ('to separate') to decouple from
Decouple; Decoupling (disambiguation)
(decouples, decoupling, decoupled)
If two countries, organizations, or ideas that were connected in some way are decoupled, the connection between them is ended. (FORMAL)
...a conception which decouples culture and politics...
The issue threatened to decouple Europe from the United States...
VERB: V pl-n, V n from n
Decouple; Decoupling (disambiguation)
¦ verb separate or disengage one thing from another.
Pronunciation examples for decouple
1. So we can eventually decouple those.
Nexus _ Ramez Naam _ Talks at Google
2. the sophistication, the maturity, to decouple that
Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues _ Jake Breeden _ Talks at Google
3. Video allows them to decouple from time
TED Talks - The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking _ Chris Anderson _ Talks at Google
4. to decouple the work from yourself.
Kick the Bad Work Habits that Masquerade as Virtues _ Jake Breeden _ Talks at Google
5. please, if possible, decouple the kernel
Data-Driven Anomaly Detection _ Nikunj Oza _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of decouple
1. Need to decouple Afghanistan from Iraq was also emphasised.
2. The only chance of improvement is to decouple economic growth from energy consumption and emissions.
3. Until a few months ago, there was continued debate about whether the world could decouple from a slowing US economy.
4. Perhaps hoping to double their research funding, U.S. analysts tend to decouple China‘s domestic politics from its foreign policy and assess the two separately.
5. But she added that the government would work to decouple the link between academic success and social background.