demean - meaning and definition. What is demean
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What (who) is demean - definition

v. (formal) (D; refl.) ('to degrade') to demean by (I will not demean myself by cheating on the examination)
v. (formal) (d; refl.) ('to behave') (he demeaned himself like a gentleman)
(demeans, demeaning, demeaned)
If you demean yourself, you do something which makes people have less respect for you.
I wasn't going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife.
VERB: V pron-refl
To demean someone or something means to make people have less respect for them.
Some groups say that pornography demeans women.
= degrade
·noun Resources; means.
II. Demean ·vt Management; treatment.
III. Demean ·noun Demesne.
IV. Demean ·vt Behavior; conduct; bearing; demeanor.
V. Demean ·vt To Manage; to Conduct; to Treat.
VI. Demean ·vt To Debase; to Lower; to Degrade;
- followed by the reflexive pronoun.
VII. Demean ·vt To Conduct; to Behave; to Comport;
- followed by the reflexive pronoun.
Pronunciation examples for demean
1. They demean your ideas.
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2. You will not demean me.
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3. Maybe I didn't demean myself.
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4. Demean by saying, hey, like, I actually
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5. to demean and degrade a women's self-worth.
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Examples of use of demean
1. The state would never demean itself by talking to terrorists.
2. "I would never want to demean him as an individual.
3. And I think that would demean her to suggest otherwise," he said.
4. This is trying to demean him, to minimize him as a person," Todd said.
5. Unfortunately, they do not just demean themselves, but also their country.