deputize - meaning and definition. What is deputize
Online Dictionary

What (who) is deputize - definition

·vt To appoint as one's deputy; to empower to act in one's stead; to Depute.
or deputise 'd?pj?t??z
¦ verb temporarily act or speak on behalf of someone else.
?N. Amer. make (someone) a deputy.
1) (esp. AE) (D; tr.) ('to appoint') to deputize as (he deputized me as his assistant)
2) (BE) (D; intr.) to deputize for ('to replace') (to deputize for smb. as secretary)
3) (AE) (H) ('to appoint as deputy') to deputize smb. to do smt.
Pronunciation examples for deputize
1. it could deputize corporate America
2. In the new model, in the peer network model, you deputize anyone
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Examples of use of deputize
1. The Prophet marched behind them, having asked Ibn Umm Maktum, his blind companion, to deputize for him in Madinah.
2. Steaua playmaker Nicolae Dica will miss both legs after undergoing knee surgery, with Gabriel Bostina likely to deputize.
3. They don‘t see the whole government as their government, only the people who they task, the people who they deputize." Some Dawa party figures concede they are inexperienced.
4. Ubaydillah ibn Abi Rafi’, who belonged to the generation that followed the Prophet’s companions, reports: «Marwan (an Umayyad caliph) appointed Abu Hurayrah to deputize for him in Madinah.
5. There were reports of looting, and some residents formed groups to deputize themselves before the state militia came in two weeks later and took control.