diet - meaning and definition. What is diet
Online Dictionary

What (who) is diet - definition

The Diet; Diet (disambiguation); Dietology

1) to be on, follow, stick to a diet; to go on a diet
2) to prescribe a diet
3) a balanced, well-balanced; bland; crash; reducing; special; starvation; steady; therapeutic diet
4) a high-calorie; high-carbohydrate; high-fiber, high-fibre; high-protein; low-calorie; low-carbohydrate; low-cholesterol; low-residue; low-salt, low-sodium; salt-free diet
I. n.
Food, provision, victuals, aliment, nutriment, nourishment, subsistence, provision, fare, viands, regimen, cheer, rations, commons.
Assembly, convention, council, convocation, congress, parliament.
II. v. n.
Eat sparingly, eat by rule regulate the diet.
Feed, eat, take nourishment, nourish one's self.
¦ noun
1. the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
2. a special course of food to which a person restricts themselves to lose weight or for medical reasons.
[as modifier] (of food or drink) with reduced fat or sugar content.
¦ verb (diets, dieting, dieted) restrict oneself to a special diet to lose weight.
dietary adjective
dieter noun
ME: from OFr. diete (n.), dieter (v.), via L. from Gk diaita 'a way of life'.
¦ noun
1. a legislative assembly in certain countries.
historical a regular meeting of the states of a confederation.
2. Scots Law a meeting or session of a court.
ME: from med. L. dieta 'day's work, wages'.



Diet may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for diet
1. diet.
Why We Get Fat - And What to Do About It _ Gary Taubes _ Talks at Google
2. diet--
Mental Performance Hacks for Anxious & Stressed Professionals _ Steven Chan _ Talks at Google
3. diet.
Brant Cortright _ Talks at Google
4. diet.
The Whole Foods Diet _ John Mackey _ Talks at Google
5. diet.
The Willpower Instinct _ Kelly McGonigal _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of diet
1. A low–fat diet lowers cholesterol; a high–fat diet raises it.
2. The Atkins diet should not be catagorized as simply a low carb diet.
3. I have tried the cambridge diet, the atkins diet exercise with a controlled caloried intake etc.
4. However, all three approaches –– the low–carb diet, a low–fat diet and a Mediterranean diet –– achieved weight loss and improved cholesterol.
5. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, Rosemary Conley’s Diet & Fitness Plan and Weight Watchers Pure Points Program.