dipstick - meaning and definition. What is dipstick
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What (who) is dipstick - definition

Dipstix; Dipsticks; Medical dipstick; Dipstick test
  • Using a dipstick to measure the amount of fuel remaining in a tank
  • The lower end of an oil dipstick with markings for minimum and maximum oil levels

A dipstick is a metal rod with marks along one end. It is used to measure the amount of liquid in a container, especially the amount of oil in a car engine.
¦ noun
1. a graduated rod for measuring the depth of a liquid, especially oil in a vehicle's engine.
2. informal a stupid or inept person.
Idiot, moron, stupid person.
He knew the ice on the lake was only an inch thick. But the dipstick walked on it and fell through, anyway!



A dipstick is one of several measurement devices.

Some dipsticks are dipped into a liquid to perform a chemical test or to provide a measure of quantity of the liquid.

Since the late 20th century, a flatness/levelness measuring device trademarked "Dipstick" has been used to produce concrete and pavement surface profiles and to help establish profile measurement standards in the concrete floor and paving industries.

Pronunciation examples for dipstick
1. I'm thinking dipstick.
Examples of use of dipstick
1. Ladenson said he couldn‘t predict when his hoped–for caffeine dipstick might be commercially available.
2. So Ladenson, a chemist, is working on a dipstick that would measure levels of caffeine on the spot.
3. During stopovers, the pilot himself had to check the refueling and also measure the levels with the dipstick before securing the tank cover under his supervision.
4. "Naturally, when it comes to voting, we in Texas are accustomed to discerning that fine hair‘s–breadth worth of difference that makes one hopeless dipstick slightly less awful than the other.
5. Frankly, as a non–Labour supporter, it would be better if the Deputy PM was NOT a Minister, and tied up with Cabinet decision–making, and therefore able to concentrate more on general management, organization and administration rather than policies. – Ken, Suffolk, England So the dipstick Alan Johnson will get one vote, albeit from a dippy dolly.