disconsolate - meaning and definition. What is disconsolate
Online Dictionary

What (who) is disconsolate - definition

II. Disconsolate ·vt Inspiring dejection; saddening; cheerless; as, the disconsolate darkness of the winter nights.
III. Disconsolate ·vt Destitute of consolation; deeply dejected and dispirited; hopelessly sad; comfortless; filled with grief; as, a bereaved and disconsolate parent.
Inconsolable, desolate, forlorn, heart-broken, broken-hearted, comfortless, cheerless, sorrowful, melancholy, sad.
Someone who is disconsolate is very unhappy and depressed. (WRITTEN)
He did not have much success, but tried not to get too disconsolate.
= dejected
Disconsolately, he walked back down the course.
ADV: ADV with v
Pronunciation examples for disconsolate
1. DANIEL ABRAHAM: You are disconsolate.
Corey _ Talks at Google
2. DANIEL ABRAHAM: Role your disconsolate rogue.
Corey _ Talks at Google
3. You can imagine, the musicians were disconsolate.
Examples of use of disconsolate
1. I congratulated him on his scoop, but he shook his head, disconsolate.
2. The hospital was filled with the sounds of screaming and wailing as disconsolate men and women searched for loved ones.
3. Opponents worry that the caribou will be disconsolate about, and their reproduction disrupted by, this intrusion by man.
4. Disconsolate trails of office staff and shop workers wandered the city streets, knowing that they were likely to face arduous, disrupted and lengthy journeys home.
5. The hospital was filled with the sounds of screaming and wailing as disconsolate men and women searched for, and found, loved ones.