disheartened - meaning and definition. What is disheartened
Online Dictionary

What (who) is disheartened - definition

1) disheartened at
2) disheartened to + inf. (he was disheartened to learn of the bad news)
·Impf & ·p.p. of Dishearten.
If you are disheartened, you feel disappointed about something and have less confidence or less hope about it than you did before.
He was disheartened by their hostile reaction.
= discouraged
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ by n
Pronunciation examples for disheartened
1. she was feeling disheartened,
2. I was disheartened.
3. And we become disheartened.
The Buddha Walks into the Office _ Lodro Rinzler _ Talks at Google
4. has disheartened or overborne.
The Kings Speech (2010)
5. became more and more disheartened
Climate Change, Sustainability, and What You Can Do to Make an Impact _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of disheartened
1. "I‘m disheartened, disillusioned, negative and bitter.
2. "After eight months‘ detention, I was really disheartened.
3. And pitiful though this may sound, I‘m rather disheartened.
4. The failure greatly disheartened the public–health community.
5. The people of Sderot and the entire nation are disheartened by the attacks.