disheartening - meaning and definition. What is disheartening
Online Dictionary

What (who) is disheartening - definition

1) disheartening to + inf. (it is disheartening to read the daily press)
2) disheartening that + clause (it was disheartening that so few passed the test)
If something is disheartening, it makes you feel disappointed and less confident or less hopeful.
· & ·vb.n. of Dishearten.
Pronunciation examples for disheartening
1. It's disheartening, it's sad.
2. -- all the more disheartening,
3. And that's disheartening.
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4. It's actually quite disheartening.
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5. And it's disconcerting, disheartening,
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Examples of use of disheartening
1. The answer is both disheartening and discouraging.
2. DiCaprio moaned: "It was disheartening to be objectified like that.
3. "As taxpayers and residents, it has to be disheartening.
4. "The violence is, indeed, disheartening," he told reporters.
5. "The statements being made by both sides ... are disheartening.