dislike - meaning and definition. What is dislike
Online Dictionary

What (who) is dislike - definition

·noun Discord; dissension.
II. Dislike ·vt To awaken dislike in; to Displease.
III. Dislike ·vt To regard with dislike or aversion; to Disapprove; to Disrelish.
IV. Dislike ·noun A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor;
- the opposite of liking or fondness.
I. n.
Disinclination, aversion, distaste, disrelish, antipathy, repugnance, displeasure, disgust.
II. v. a.
Disrelish, have an aversion to, be disinclined or averse or reluctant, disapprove, hold in disfavor.
(dislikes, disliking, disliked)
If you dislike someone or something, you consider them to be unpleasant and do not like them.
We don't serve liver often because so many people dislike it...
David began to dislike all his television heroes who smoked.
VERB: V n, V n
Dislike is the feeling that you do not like someone or something.
He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me...
Your dislikes are the things that you do not like.
Consider what your likes and dislikes are about your job...
N-COUNT: usu pl
If you take a dislike to someone or something, you decide that you do not like them.
PHRASE: V inflects
Pronunciation examples for dislike
1. dislike them.
The Lens is the Brush _ Vincent Versace _ Talks at Google
2. dislike most?
The Pun Also Rises _ John Pollack _ Talks at Google
3. or dislike.
4. we don't just dislike them; we strongly dislike them,
5. We dislike bitter tastes, we dislike loud sounds,
Examples of use of dislike
1. I dislike smoking as much as I dislike swearing, drunkenness, blaspheming and race–hate cartooning.
2. Passionate partisans dislike compromise and consensus.
3. Critics, however, dislike her bluntness and intransigence.
4. Voters dislike many things in politicians, but what they dislike most is when they feel they‘re being taken for a ride.
5. Others also dislike the intrusiveness of mobile phones.