distrustful - meaning and definition. What is distrustful
Online Dictionary

What (who) is distrustful - definition

If you are distrustful of someone or something, you think that they are not honest, reliable, or safe.
Voters are deeply distrustful of all politicians...
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ of n
adj. distrustful of
·adj Apt to distrust; suspicious; mistrustful.
II. Distrustful ·adj Not confident; diffident; wanting confidence or thrust; modest; as, distrustful of ourselves, of one's powers.
Pronunciation examples for distrustful
1. so distrustful it doesn't work.
Trust _ David Johnston _ Talks at Google
2. who are at those rallies who are distrustful of media,
The Opposition with Jordan Klepper _ Jordan Klepper & Jeff Gordinier _ Talks at Google
3. because they were distrustful of some of the mainstream
Eliot Higgins _ We Are Bellingcat - An Intelligence Agency for the People _ Talks at Google
4. are shy or distrustful of opening up to you?
Susan McPherson _ The Lost Art of Connecting _ Talks at Google
5. made it their life to be distrustful of authority
Eliot Higgins _ We Are Bellingcat - An Intelligence Agency for the People _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of distrustful
1. Distrustful As the years went by, Saddam became increasingly distrustful.
2. Some blacks will remain ever distrustful of mainstream America.
3. DISTRUSTFUL OF JAKARTA War–weary residents welcomed that prospect.
4. Nearly a week on, are people still so distrustful?
5. Republicans were distrustful of a former head of special branch.