feminitpicker - meaning and definition. What is feminitpicker
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What (who) is feminitpicker - definition

Softer, gentler, and more insidious form of a feminist.
People who start replacing the male pronoun with the female version a little bit at a time - to correct a perceived mistake - even though centuries of use have effectively neutered the male pronoun.
The end result is confusion, anarchy, and the fall of western civilization as we know it.
Most noticed by saying the secret code, If there is a God, I hope She's a liberal.
I can't believe some feminitpickers replaced ALL the pronouns in ALL the 3rd edition D & D books with she and her.You would think they would be happy with replacing ... where no MAN has gone before with ... where no ONE has gone before in the Star Trek franchise....But that was only the beginning.Shun the feminitpickers.