hankering - meaning and definition. What is hankering
Online Dictionary

What (who) is hankering - definition

A hankering for something is a desire or longing for it.
From time to time we all get a hankering for something a little different...
N-COUNT: usu N for/after n, N to-inf
Longing, craving, strong desire, burning want.
n. (colloq.)
1) a hankering for
2) a hankering to + inf. (a hankering to travel)
Pronunciation examples for hankering
1. When they get a hankering for some treats,
2. Very well-stocked lake. I've a hankering to see it.
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
3. to wait for the hordes of local youths hankering
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Examples of use of hankering
1. But the cops weren‘t simply hankering for doughnuts.
2. It seems the coyote was hankering for another kind of fast food.
3. We won‘t achieve this by nostalgia by hankering after the past.
4. With the EU hankering for leadership, Blair can step in and provide it.
5. "Men are always hankering after something new to conquer," says Olivia.