hellooo - meaning and definition. What is hellooo
Online Dictionary

What (who) is hellooo - definition

HellOOo. Are you crazy? Are your lights on? Does your elevator go all the way to the top? Are you stupid or what? Certainly no claim for originality on this one - and intonation is everything. Even four-year-olds know how to use this one - at least Alec does. I gave him a No Whining button Memorial Weekend. Shortly after getting it, he came to me a bit concerned, But, Opa, I might get hurt really bad and need to cry. I reassured him that would be all right.
Thursday following Memorial Day, Alec was getting more than a tad fussy in the early evening. I reminded him, Alec, remember, no whining. His response, HellOOo...I'm not wearing the button.
Examples of use of hellooo
1. As long as the gross domestic product grows, World Money Watch‘s Web site assures us, "so will business, jobs and personal income." But hellooo, we‘ve had brisk growth for the past few years, as the president has tirelessly reminded us, only without those promised increases in personal income, at least not for the poor and the middle class.