kiboze - meaning and definition. What is kiboze
Online Dictionary

What (who) is kiboze - definition

Kiboze; Kibology; Kibologist; Kibonia; Alt.religion.kibology; Kibozo; James "Kibo" Parry; Kibologists; Interröbang Cartel; Interrobang Cartel; Interroebang Cartel; Kibo (Usenet); Parry, James
  • Photo of Kibo, circa 1993

To search the internet for mentions of your own name.
He found my post about him in He must have been kibozing.
[Usenet] To grep the Usenet news for a string, especially with the intention of posting a follow-up. This activity was popularised by Kibo.


James Parry

James Parry (born July 13, 1967), commonly known by his nickname and username Kibo , is a Usenetter known for his sense of humor, various surrealist net pranks, an absurdly long signature, and a machine-assisted knack for "kibozing": joining any thread in which "kibo" was mentioned. His exploits have earned him a multitude of enthusiasts, who celebrate him as the head deity of the parody religion "Kibology", centered on the humor newsgroup alt.religion.kibology.