lack - meaning and definition. What is lack
Online Dictionary

What (who) is lack - definition

Lack (disambiguation)

·vi To be in want.
II. Lack ·interj Exclamation of regret or surprise.
III. Lack ·noun Blame; cause of blame; fault; crime; offense.
IV. Lack ·vt To Blame; to find fault with.
V. Lack ·noun Deficiency; want; need; destitution; failure; as, a lack of sufficient food.
VI. Lack ·vt To be without or destitute of; to Want; to Need.
VII. Lack ·vi To be wanting; often, impersonally, with of, meaning, to be less than, short, not quite, ·etc.
n. for lack of (for lack of fuel, their planes were grounded)
v. (D; intr.) to lack for (formal) (we don't lack for anything)
(lacks, lacking, lacked)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
If there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it or it does not exist at all.
Despite his lack of experience, he got the job...
The charges were dropped for lack of evidence...
There is a lack of people wanting to start up new businesses.
N-UNCOUNT: also a N, usu N of n
If you say that someone or something lacks a particular quality or that a particular quality is lacking in them, you mean that they do not have any or enough of it.
He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman...
Certain vital information is lacking in the report.
VERB: V n, V
see also lacking
If you say there is no lack of something, you are emphasizing that there is a great deal of it.
He said there was no lack of things for them to talk about...
PHRASE: PHR n, usu v-link PHR, v PHR [emphasis]



Lack may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for lack
1. lack.
Hormones and Puppy Love
2. or lack of stimulation, lack of exposures, lack of training?
A Shrink for My Pet _ Jim Lessenberry _ Talks at Google
3. lack of food, lack of many things.
The Story of Eva _ Eva Kor & Ted Green _ Talks at Google
4. But they lack spark; they lack
5. and lack of practice, lack of skills.
Found in Translation _ Nataly Kelly _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of lack
1. Health officials appealed for outside help. «We lack everything, we lack medical equipment, we lack anesthesia, we lack bandages, we lack fuel for ambulance vehicles, we lack medicine, everything,» cried Muawiyah Hassanein, head of Gaza’s Ambulance and Emergency Department.
2. We believe it stems from feelings of deprivation: economic deprivation, political, lack of justice, lack of empowerment, lack of voice, and lack of dispute resolution.
3. Its lack of proper planning and lack of co–ordination.
4. In every Afghan village you are faced with at least five problems: lack of roads, lack of potable water, lack of irrigation, lack of schools and health facilities, and lack of employment opportunities.
5. "It‘s a problem of lack of will, of lack of technology and, particularly, lack of focus," Sen.