mediacracy - meaning and definition. What is mediacracy
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What (who) is mediacracy - definition

Government by the media. Think mediocrity. (Cf: adhocracy - Rulership by committees and task forces. From The Grandiloquent Dictionary,
This isn't what our forefathers had in mind, but we've earned this government we have, this mediacracy.
Mediacracy is a situation in government where the mass media effectively has control over the voting public. Mediacracy is closely related to a theory on the role of media in the United States political system, that argues that media and news outlets have a large level of influence over voting citizens' evaluations of candidates and political issues, thereby possessing effective control over politics in the United States.


Mediacracy is a situation in government where the mass media effectively has control over the voting public. Mediacracy is closely related to a theory on the role of media in the United States political system, that argues that media and news outlets have a large level of influence over voting citizens' evaluations of candidates and political issues, thereby possessing effective control over politics in the United States.