name - translation to spanish
Online Dictionary

name - translation to spanish

The Name; NAME

= sweet potato, yam, cocoyam.
Ex: The author discusses the shortcomings of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme in the indexing of African staple crops, namely cassava, cocoyam, ginger, Irish potato, sweet potato and yam.
Ex: The author discusses the shortcomings of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme in the indexing of African staple crops, namely cassava, cocoyam, ginger, Irish potato, sweet potato and yam.
Ex: The author discusses the shortcomings of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme in the indexing of African staple crops, namely cassava, cocoyam, ginger, Irish potato, sweet potato and yam.
n. yam, sweet potato
  • A [[signature]] is a person's own handwritten name
Meaning of names; Onotamology; Names; Ónoma


sust. masc.
1) Voz del Congo. Botánica. Planta herbácea de la familia de las dioscóreas, con tallos endebles; hojas grandes, flores pequeñas y verdosas en espigas, y raíz tuberculosa, de corteza casi negra y carne parecida a la de la batata, que cocida o asada es comestible muy usual en los países intertropicales.
2) Raíz de esta planta.
3) Aje, planta dioscórea.
4) fig. Antillas. Colombia. Venezuela. Pie deforme y grande.


Name (disambiguation)

A name is a word or term used for identification.

Name may also refer to:

Pronunciation examples for name
1. name.
The Moral Molecule _ Paul Zak _ Talks at Google
2. name."
God No! _ Penn Jillette _ Talks at Google
3. name.
Daily Show Writer & Governor Chat _ Bill Richardson + More _ Talks at Google
4. name.
The Rare Find _ George Anders _ Talks at Google
5. Name
The Story of Chicago Hip-Hop _ Midway Production Team _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of name
1. Por Camilo Cienpasos http: // =News&file=article&sid=3175 Chávez encabeza en Argentina acto de repudio a visita de Bush http: // s.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3173 Video de Chávez en acto antimperialista en Buenos Aires - Discursos completos de Hebe y Chavez href=" http: // http:/ / Homepage:
2. It also protects its name from infringement by others in this case, growers in the Philippines, where mangoes are now produced under the name Manila Super Mango, or Carabao.
3. He does not use a structure saying that his name was Achilleas.
4. In recent weeks, Montiel and Jackson spent enormous sums on advertising to increase their name recognition.
5. It now wants to officially adopt the name, but the Philippine government is fighting custody.