napalm - translation to spanish
Online Dictionary

napalm - translation to spanish

Nepalm; Super napalm; Napalm-B; Northick II; Napalms; Napalmed; Napalming; Naphthenate palmitate; Gelled gasoline; Jellied petrol; Jellied gasoline; Napalm B
  • [[North American F-100 Super Sabre]] deploying napalm in a training exercise
  • Results of a napalm strike by the [[Aviation navale]] on suspected [[Viet Minh]] positions during the [[First Indochina War]], December 1953
  • 300px
  • Riverboat of the US [[Brown-water navy]] deploying an ignited napalm mixture from a riverboat-mounted [[flamethrower]] in Vietnam.

= napalm.
Ex: Incendiary devices or incendiary bombs are bombs designed to start fires using materials such as napalm, thermite, chlorine trifluoride, or white phosphorus.
n. Napalm, extremely flammable jelly-like substance used in fire bombs and flame throwers


napalm m. Quím. Sustancia compuesta de gasolina gelatinizada que sirve para fabricar bombas incendiarias o como producto inflamable para lanzallamas.



Napalm is an incendiary mixture of a gelling agent and a volatile petrochemical (usually petrol or diesel fuel). The name is a portmanteau of two of the constituents of the original thickening and gelling agents: coprecipitated aluminium salts of naphthenic acid and palmitic acid. Napalm B is the more modern version of napalm (utilizing polystyrene derivatives) and, although distinctly different in its chemical composition, is often referred to simply as "napalm". A team led by chemist Louis Fieser originally developed napalm for the US Chemical Warfare Service in 1942 in a secret laboratory at Harvard University. Of immediate first interest was its viability as an incendiary device to be used in fire bombing campaigns during World War II; its potential to be coherently projected into a solid stream that would carry for distance (instead of the bloomy fireball of pure gasoline) resulted in widespread adoption in infantry flamethrowers as well.

Napalm burns at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1,200 °C (1,470 to 2,190 °F). It burns longer than gasoline, is more easily dispersed, and adheres to its targets. These traits make it effective and controversial. It has been widely deployed from the air and from the ground, the largest use being via airdropped bombs in World War II in the incendiary attacks on Japanese cities in 1945. It was used also for close air support roles in the First Indochina War, the Korean War and the Second Indochina War. Napalm also has fueled most of the flamethrowers (tank-, ship-, and infantry-based) used since World War II, giving them much greater range, and was a common weapon of urban combat by both the Axis and the Allies in World War II.

Pronunciation examples for napalm
1. her back ruined by napalm,
2. The napalm is burning there quite nicely.
3. They authorized Napalm, they started chemical warfare,
USA's Leading Dissident Voice _ Noam Chomsky _ Talks at Google
4. >>Alton Brown: I taught her how to make napalm
Good Eats 3, The Later Years _ Alton Brown _ Talks at Google
5. and you see two sandwich baggies of napalm.
Examples of use of napalm
1. Ozgur Ferhatoglu, uno de los que logró escapar de la ciudad, detalló que los militares usaron armamento químico, incluido napalm, contra diferentes zonas de la ciudad.
2. Según un documental de la RAI, la TV pública italiana, EE.UU. empleó fósforo blanco y una variante del napalm al atacar el bastión rebelde de Fallujah.
3. Las imágenes del equipo de investigación de la RAI en Iraq muestran los cadáveres afectados por el armamento químico, un nuevo Napalm prohibido por la Convención de Ginebra en 1'80 e identificado como NK–77.
4. Además, hizo público un documento que al parecer demuestra el uso en Irak de una versión del napalm la sustancia empleada por EE.UU. en bombas incendiarias durante la guerra de Vietnam llamada MK77.
5. "¡Dios mío, no quiero que muera!", imploraba Huynh Cong mientras disparaba su cámara hacia Kim Phuc, la niña vietnamita con el cuerpo hecho jirones por el napalm en 1'73.