newce - meaning and definition. What is newce
Online Dictionary

What (who) is newce - definition

Collective noun for nephews and nieces.
This year I can't afford to buy Christmas presents for all of my newce.
Pronunciation examples for newce
1. Newco.
The Q-Loop _ Brian Klapper _ Talks at Google
2. what newco would look like.
The Q-Loop _ Brian Klapper _ Talks at Google
3. of their office space, and they're building newco to put
The Q-Loop _ Brian Klapper _ Talks at Google
4. can put, like, Newco or some other pretend name on it.
How to Use Graphic Design _ Michael Bierut _ Talks at Google
5. Why don't we go ahead and design a newco process without
The Q-Loop _ Brian Klapper _ Talks at Google