non-stick - traducción al español
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non-stick - traducción al español

Non-stick cooking spray; Non-stick spray

  • Commercial waffle iron requiring seasoning
  • Cast iron skillets, before seasoning (left) and after several years of use (right)
  • This image shows highly absorbent filter paper coated with a super-hydrophobic paint developed at [[University College London]]. This repels water (which has been dyed orange for greater contrast)
Nonstick; Non-stick; Non-stick coating; Plasmacoat; Nano-turf; Excalibur (coating); John Gilbert (scientist)
NON; Non (disambiguation)
* be non-refundable = no devolverse
* non-allergenic = no alergénico, antialergénico
* non-contagious = no contagioso
* non-educational = no educativo
* non-payment = impago
* non-abrasive = no abrasivo
* non-academic = no académico
* non-affordable = demasiado costoso
* non-approved heading = encabezamiento no admitido
* non-aqueous = no acuoso
* non-ASCII = que no es ASCII
* non-attendance = ausencia, no asistencia, falta de asistencia
* non-attender [nonattender] = no asistente, ausente
* non-authorial = no actuando en capacidad de autor
* nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA] = no conductual, no de conducta, no de comportamiento
* non-biased = imparcial, neutral
* non-bibliographic = no bibliográfico
* non-bibliographical = no bibliográfico
* non-bibliographic database = base de datos no bibliográfica
* non-book [nonbook] = no librario, no bibliográfico
* non-cataloguer = bibliotecario que no se dedica a la catalogación
* non-circulating [noncirculating] = excluido del préstamo, sin préstamo, que no se pueden sacar en préstamo
* non-clinical = no médico
* non-coded = no codificado
* non-coded information = información no codificada
* non-coercive = no coercitivo
* non-college = no universitario
* non-commercial [noncommercial] = no comercial
* non-committal = evasivo
* non-compatible = no compatible
* non-compensatory [noncompensatory] = que no tiene compensación, no compensatorio
* non-computerised cataloguing = catalogación no automatizada
* nonconformist = inconformista
* non-consecutive = no correlativo
* nonconsumptive = sin consumir, no consumidor, no consumible
* non-contentious = no contencioso, no polémico
* non-controversial [noncontroversial] = no polémico
* non-conventional = no convencional
* non-credit = sin créditos, sin reconocimiento de créditos
* non-crisp = impreciso
* non-critical = no crítico
* non-current = no actual, no vigente
* non-decreasing = no decreciente, sin disminuir
* non-descriptor = no descriptor
* nondisclosure [non-disclosure] = reserva absoluta, no revelación
* nondistinctive = no distintivo, no diferenciador, que no ayuda a distinguir
* non-doctoral granting = que no ofrece doctorado
* non-EC = no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea
* non-economic [noneconomic] = no económico
* non-efficient = ineficaz, poco eficaz
* nonelectrical [non-electrical] = no eléctrico
* non-English = no en inglés
* non-English-speaking country = país cuya lengua oficial no es el inglés
* non-entity = nulidad, cero a la izquierda
* non-epileptic = no epiléptico
* non-essential [nonessential] = no esencial
* non-exacerbating = no exacerbado, no agravante
* non-exclusive = no exclusivo, que no excluye otras posibilidades
* non-existence = inexistencia
* non-existent [nonexistent] = inexistente
* non-expert [nonexpert] = no experto, no especialista
* non-explosive = no explosivo
* non-expressive notation = notación no transparente
* non-ferrous [nonferrous] = no ferroso
* non-fibrous = no fibroso
* non-fiction [nonfiction] = literatura no ficticia, obras de no ficción
* non-fiction book = libro de literatura no ficticia
* nonfirst [non-first] = que no aparece en primer lugar
* non-government = no gubernamental, no oficial
* non-governmental [nongovernmental] = no gubernamental
* non-gratuitous acquisition = adquisición por compra o intercambio
* non-growth = sin crecimiento
* non-hierarchical = no jerárquico
* non-Hindu = no hindú
* non-human [nonhuman] = no humano
* non-hygroscopic = no higroscópico, que no absorbe el agua o la humedad
* non-Indic = que no es de la India
* non-intellectual = simple
* non-intentional = no intencional
* non-interactive = no interactivo
* non-interactive mode = modo no interactivo
* noninvasive [non-invasive] = no invasivo
* non-journal material = material que no es revista científica
* non-judgmental [non-judgemental] = acrítico, imparcial, neutro
* non-lethal = no letal
* non-librarian = no bibliotecario
* non-library user = persona que utiliza la biblioteca
* nonlinear [non-linear] = no lineal
* nonlinearity [no-linearity] = no linealidad, falta de linealidad
* non-literary = no literario, no amante de la literatura
* non-literate = no alfabetizado
* nonliving [non-living] = no vivo
* non-MARC = no MARC
* non-member [nonmember] = no miembro, no socio
* nonmilitary = no militar, civil
* non-monographic = no monográfico
* non-musical = no musical
* non-net = no fijado
* non-net book = libro con precio de venta no fijado
* non-Nordic = no nórdico
* nonobtrusive = sin intervención directa, no intrusivo
* non-paper [non paper] = que no está en papel
* non-partisan [nonpartisan] = no partidista, imparcial, independiente, sin afiliación a un partido político
* non-paying = no remunerado
* non-periodical = no periódico
* non-preferred term = término no admitido
* nonprime time = horario de tarifa reducida
* non-print [nonprint] = material no impreso
* non-print media = material no impreso
* non-professional [nonprofessional] = no profesional, trabajador sin titulación específica
* non-profit [nonprofit] = no lucrativo, sin fines lucrativos, sin ánimo de lucro
* non-profit making = no comercial, no lucrativo, sin fines lucrativos, sin ánimo de lucro
* non-profit sector, the = sector no comercial, el
* non-programmer = no programador
* non-proprietary = no patentado, sin patente, sin marca registrada
* non-public = no público
* non-purposive = sin un objetivo claro
* non-quantifiable = incuantificable
* non-quota = no sujeto a una cuota, exento de cuota
* non-reader [nonreader] = no lector
* non-recurrent = extraordinario, excepcional, ocasional
* non-recyclable = no reciclable
* non-refundable = no reembolsable, a fondo perdido
* non-registration = no inscripción
* nonrelative [non-relative] = persona que no pertenece a la familia, no afín, no relacionado, no relativo
* non-relevant = no relevante
* non-remunerated = no remunerado
* non-renewal = falta de renovación
* non-repayable = no reembolsable
* non-research = no dedicado a la investigación
* non-restrictive = no restringido, no restrictivo
* non-return = material no devuelto
* non-Roman alphabet = alfabeto no romano
* non-scented = no perfumado
* non-scholar = persona no experta, profano en la materia
* non-sectarian [nonsectarian] = sin afiliación religiosa
* non sequitur = incongruencia, incoherencia, conclusión ilógica
* non-serial = publicación no seriada
* non-sexist = no sexista
* non-shipment = no envío
* nonsinger = no cantante
* non-skid = antideslizante
* non-slip = antideslizante
(adj.) = antiescurridizo, antiresbaladizo
Ex: Approach paths to site should be wide and non-slippery with liberal use being made of ramps.
* non-smoker = no fumador
* non-smoking = no fumador, que no fuma
* non-specialised = sin especializar
* non-specialist [nonspecialist] = alguien que no es especialista, amater, aficionado
* non-specific heading = encabezamiento no específico
* non-standard [nonstandard] = no estándar
* non-stick [nonstick] = antiadherente, de teflón, de tefal
* non-stop = no vacío, sin parar, de (un) tirón
* non-teaching = no educativo, no docente
* non-technical = sin preparación técnica, no técnico
* non-tenured = contratado, no funcionario
* non-text = no textual, que no es texto
* non-textbook = que no es libro de texto
* non-threatening = agradable
* non-time series = serie no periódica
* non-toxic = no tóxico
* non-traditional [nontraditional] = no tradicional
* nontransferable = intransferible
* non-UK = no británico
* non-unionised = que no pertenece a un sindicato
* nonunique [non-unique] = similar, no único
* non-US = no americano
* non-user = no usuario
* non-verbal communication = comunicación no verbal
* nonviolence = no violencia
* nonviolent [non-violent] = no violento, pacífico
* non-volatile [nonvolatile] = no volátil, no efímero, permanente
* non-Western = no occidental
* non-white [nonwhite] = persona de color, de color
* persona non grata = persona no grata
* quango (quasi-non-governmental organisation) = organismo semiautónomo, ente semiautónomo
* sine qua non = sine qua non
walking stick         
  • Orthodox [[protodeacon]] holding a walking stick. Portrait by [[Ilya Repin]], 1877 ([[Tretyakov Gallery]], Moscow).
  • An unidentified woman in a [[soda fountain]], pouring distilled alcohol into her drink from a walking stick during [[Prohibition in the United States]], circa 1922. Some walking canes are crafted to hold and conceal a glass vial or flask of [[liquor]] accessible from the handle: referred to as a smuggler or flask walking cane
  • rural manor]], [[Sant Joan]], [[Mallorca]]
  • A classic late 19th century walking cane, sometimes also called a dress cane
Walking-stick; Walkingstick; Walking sticks; Walking Sticks; Cane (walking stick); Canes and Walking Sticks; Ashplant
bastón para caminar


sine qua non
expr. lat.
Que se aplica a la condición sin la cual no se hará una cosa o se tendrá por no hecha.


Cooking spray

Cooking spray is a spray form of an oil as a lubricant, lecithin as an emulsifier, and a propellant such as food-grade alcohol, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide or propane. Cooking spray is applied to frying pans and other cookware to prevent food from sticking. Traditionally, cooks use butter, shortening, or oils poured or rubbed on cookware. Most cooking sprays have less food energy per serving than an application of vegetable oil, because they are applied in a much thinner layer: US regulations allow many to be labelled "zero-calorie"; in the UK sprays claim to supply "less than 1 calorie per serving". Popular US brands include Pam, Crisco, and Baker's Joy. Sprays are available with plain vegetable oil, butter and olive oil flavor.

Cooking spray has other culinary uses besides being applied to cookware. Sticky candies such as Mike and Ike that are often sold in bulk vending machines may be sprayed with cooking spray to keep them from sticking together in the machines. Coating the inside of a measuring cup with the spray allows sticky substances such as honey to pour out more easily. Vegetables may be sprayed before seasoning to make the seasonings stick better.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para non-stick
1. about non-stick cookware.
The Science of Good Cooking _ Chris Kimball _ Talks at Google
2. about non-stick cookware.
The Science of Good Cooking _ Chris Kimball _ Talks at Google
3. of non-stick cookware.
The Science of Good Cooking _ Chris Kimball _ Talks at Google
4. they weren't non-stick.
The Science of Good Cooking _ Chris Kimball _ Talks at Google
5. and this is non-stick;
Ejemplos de uso de non-stick
1. Meanwhile, the world‘s first non–stick chewing gum could be on the market early next year.
2. He tries to be pleasant and to be perfect non–stick Teflon.
3. But scientists may have found a solution: the world‘s first non–stick gum.
4. The scientists say they have managed to replace this with a non–stick synthetic material.
5. The non–stick prime minister, whose cabinet was riddled with pension–fee dodgers, was virtually unscathed.