ort - meaning and definition. What is ort
Online Dictionary

What (who) is ort - definition

ORT; Ort (disambiguation); ORT (disambiguation)

·noun A morsel left at a meal; a fragment; refuse;
- commonly used in the plural.
An embarrassing piece of food stuck between your front teeth.
You have an ort. I'll provide a distraction.
Ongoing Reliability Test



Ort may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for ort
1. reverse the effect of the ORT saline.
How Smarter Innovations Helps Fight Poverty _ Asif Saleh _ Talks at Google
2. called oral rehydration therapy, or ORT was tested
How Smarter Innovations Helps Fight Poverty _ Asif Saleh _ Talks at Google
3. that came up with the antidote for, the ORT solution.
How Smarter Innovations Helps Fight Poverty _ Asif Saleh _ Talks at Google
4. in Bangladesh, teaching mothers how to make ORT.
How Smarter Innovations Helps Fight Poverty _ Asif Saleh _ Talks at Google
5. Bangladesh now has the highest use of ORT in the world."
How Smarter Innovations Helps Fight Poverty _ Asif Saleh _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of ort
1. He said that I wanted to personally manage ORT, and I should immediately return my shares in ORT to the state.
2. His television channel, ORT, was back in government control.
3. There the spoils, the NTV and ORT television stations, were also impressive.
4. "In this case, it was the only solution." ORT, he added, "has promised that such mistakes will not recur." "We are usually so careful," said Ruth Even, publishing and production manager of the ORT network.
5. Nofar Hefetz, a ninth–grader at Ort Jerusalem, seems to have taken the warnings to heart.