palate - meaning and definition. What is palate
Online Dictionary

What (who) is palate - definition

Palatal; Palates; Roof of the mouth; Palatum; Pallate; Mouth roof; Roof of mouth; Uraniscus; Roofs of the mouths; Roofs of mouths; Palatal bones

Your palate is the top part of the inside of your mouth.
N-COUNT: usu poss N
You can refer to someone's palate as a way of talking about their ability to judge good food or drink.
...fresh pasta sauces to tempt more demanding palates.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
1) a cleft; perforated palate
2) the hard; soft palate
3) (misc.) to tickle the palate ('to be very tasty')
·noun The roof of the mouth.
II. Palate ·vt To perceive by the taste.
III. Palate ·noun Fig.: Mental relish; intellectual taste.
IV. Palate ·noun A projection in the throat of such flowers as the snapdragon.
V. Palate ·noun Relish; taste; liking;
- a sense originating in the mistaken notion that the palate is the organ of taste.



The palate () is the roof of the mouth in humans and other mammals. It separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity. A similar structure is found in crocodilians, but in most other tetrapods, the oral and nasal cavities are not truly separated. The palate is divided into two parts, the anterior, bony hard palate and the posterior, fleshy soft palate (or velum).

Pronunciation examples for palate
1. and palates.
From Hopelessness to Possibility _ Ruben Ayala _ Talks at Google
2. Your palate is different than my palate.
Cooking Sustainable Seafood _ Rick Moonen _ Talks at Google
3. puts a palates demand, creates a palates body.
Anatomy Trains _ Tom Myers _ Talks at Google
4. the American palate.
Pride Q&A - Queer and Asian _ Chef Melissa King _ Talks at Google
5. has a different palate.
Meehan's Bartender Manual _ Jim Meehan _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of palate
1. The Japanese Cleft Palate Foundation and its director Dr.
2. But don‘t despair if you have a more exotic palate.
3. "Only someone with the palate of a gay camel does that.
4. Elegant and supple tannins on the palate give the wine gentle structure.
5. Perhaps your palate craves a bottle of Cheerwine or a cold Inca Cola.