paroxysm - meaning and definition. What is paroxysm
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What (who) is paroxysm - definition

Paroxysm; Paroxysmal; Paroxysms; Paroxysmal attacks; Entasia; Tonic spasm

¦ noun a sudden attack or violent expression of something: a paroxysm of weeping.
paroxysmal adjective
ME: from Fr. paroxysme, via med. L. from Gk paroxusmos, from paroxunein 'exasperate', from para- 'beyond' + oxunein 'sharpen'.
A paroxysm of emotion is a sudden, very strong occurrence of it.
He exploded in a paroxysm of rage.
= fit
N-COUNT: usu N of n
A paroxysm is a series of sudden, violent, uncontrollable movements that your body makes because you are coughing, laughing, or in great pain.
He broke into a paroxysm of coughing.
= spasm
N-COUNT: usu N of n/-ing
·noun Any sudden and violent emotion; spasmodic passion or action; a convulsion; a fit.
II. Paroxysm ·noun The fit, attack, or exacerbation, of a disease that occurs at intervals, or has decided remissions or intermissions.


Paroxysmal attack

Paroxysmal attacks or paroxysms (from Greek παροξυσμός) are a sudden recurrence or intensification of symptoms, such as a spasm or seizure. These short, frequent symptoms can be observed in various clinical conditions. They are usually associated with multiple sclerosis or pertussis, but they may also be observed in other disorders such as encephalitis, head trauma, stroke, asthma, trigeminal neuralgia, breath-holding spells, epilepsy, malaria, tabes dorsalis, and Behçet's disease, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). It has also been noted as a symptom of gratification disorder in children.

The word paroxysm means "sudden attack, outburst", and comes from the Greek παροξυσμός (paroxusmos), "irritation, exasperation".

Paroxysmal attacks in various disorders have been reported extensively and ephaptic coupling of demyelinated nerves has been presumed as one of the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon. This is supported by the presence of these attacks in multiple sclerosis and tabes dorsalis, which both involve demyelination of spinal cord neurons. Exercise, tactile stimuli, hot water, anxiety and neck flexion may provoke paroxysmal attacks. Most reported paroxysmal attacks are painful tonic spasms, dysarthria and ataxia, numbness and hemiparesis. They are typically different from other transient symptoms by their brevity (lasting no more than 2 minutes), frequency (from 1–2 times/day up to a few hundred times/day), stereotyped fashion and excellent response to drugs (usually carbamazepine). Withdrawal of symptoms without any residual neurological finding is another key feature in their recognition.

Pronunciation examples for paroxysm
1. the first insight--the power of unconscious paroxysm. The second insight is the centrality
The Social Animal _ David Brooks _ Talks at Google
2. So, there I was -- in a sort of paroxysm of horror.
3. And if you look at the way banks perform -- I mean, what's this extraordinary paroxysm that
The Storm _ Vince Cable _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of paroxysm
1. In the meantime, Washington has remained mute on the CIA paroxysm, an old, but proven, tactic.
2. The Democrats are in a paroxysm of righteous indignation –– much of it justified but in the long run counterproductive.
3. "A riot is at bottom," King said, "the language of the unheard." Within hours of the crushing news, anger replaced hopelessness, and with anger came looting, a paroxysm of self–destructiveness and inner cities going up in smoke.
4. Kenya‘s paroxysm of violence, captured in TV images showing police shooting, teargassing and beating protesters, has seriously damaged its democratic reputation, prompted threats of aid cuts and harmed one of Africa‘s strongest economies.
5. There was resentment toward communal leaders, some endowed with near–feudal powers, who often seemed to stage–manage the crisis until it descended into a paroxysm of violence nearly two weeks ago.