peaceable - meaning and definition. What is peaceable
Online Dictionary

What (who) is peaceable - definition

The Peaceable Kingdom; Peaceable Kingdom (disambiguation); Peaceable kingdom

Peaceful, pacific, free from war.
Gentle, mild, amicable, friendly, disposed to peace, inoffensive.
Quiet, tranquil, placid, unmoved, undisturbed, serene, peaceful, still.
·adj Begin in or at peace; tranquil; quiet; free from, or not disposed to, war, disorder, or excitement; not quarrelsome.
¦ adjective
1. inclined to avoid war.
2. free from conflict; peaceful.
peaceableness noun
peaceably adverb
ME: from OFr. peisible, alt. of plaisible, from late L. placibilis 'pleasing', from L. placere 'to please'.


Peaceable Kingdom

Peaceable Kingdom may refer to

  • Peaceable Kingdom (theology), an eschatological state inferred from texts such as the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Hosea, and the Sermon on the Mount
Pronunciation examples for peaceable
1. and made them into peaceable felines.
2. in the more peaceable business of designing rockets for NASA,
Apollo 8 _ Jeffrey Kluger _ Talks at Google
3. are the ancestors of the modern peaceable Scandinavians.
Gender Inequality _ Lori Kenschaft _ Talks at Google
4. >> Steven: Most values of most religions are not at all peaceable. They include the toxic
The Stuff of Thought - Language as a Window into Human Nature _ Steven Pinker _ Talks at Google
5. increasingly favored our peaceable inclinations. That is the ability to have a homicidal fantasy
The Stuff of Thought - Language as a Window into Human Nature _ Steven Pinker _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of peaceable
1. The peaceable majority is much spoken about these days.
2. They were not prosecuted, but packed off into peaceable retirement.
3. Heade probably owed this to early training under Edward Hicks of "Peaceable Kingdom" fame.
4. My friend, the most civilized and peaceable of men, thanked them politely and said no.
5. The peaceable inhabitants killed by GIs in south Korea during the war totaled over 1.24 millions.