pecuniary - meaning and definition. What is pecuniary
Online Dictionary

What (who) is pecuniary - definition

Monetary, nummular, nummulary, nummary, financial.
¦ adjective formal relating to or consisting of money.
pecuniarily adverb
C16: from L. pecuniarius, from pecunia 'money'.
Pecuniary means concerning or involving money. (FORMAL)
She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.
= monetary
ADJ: usu ADJ n
Pronunciation examples for pecuniary
1. Benjamin Franklin, paragon of pecuniary restraint
Cubed - A Secret History of the Workplace _ Nikil Saval _ Talks at Google
2. trying to innovate with a doubtful pecuniary payoff, only
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3. term, they know that there is no pecuniary interest driving that hierarchy. It is instead
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4. mainly not motivated by pecuniary returns. The main motivation is ideas affecting the
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Examples of use of pecuniary
1. There may be any number of reasons÷ personal, political, pecuniary.
2. This business helped in providing pecuniary gain and advantage to this organized crime syndicate.
3. Charges of ‘obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception‘ against Daly were dropped.
4. I never enriched myself with commissions, kickbacks or any pecuniary benefits,‘‘ he said Wednesday.
5. Beethoven‘s rough and even repulsive manners arose partly from his deafness and partly from his pecuniary circumstances.