pr0n - meaning and definition. What is pr0n
Online Dictionary

What (who) is pr0n - definition

H4x0r; PWNED!; Pwn; Pwnage; Pwned; Pwn3d; Pwns; Pwnt; D00d; PWNED; Pwning; Powned; Pwnzor; Pwnz0red; Pwnz0r; PVVn; PVVned; PVVn3d; Pvvn; Pvvned; Pownzored; P0wnzored; Pvvnz0red; Pwnsome; Qwn; Whorage; P3wNed; Wtfpwned; NORP; Pwnership; Pwn4g3; Pwnzed; Pwnzore; P00n; Poned; Pwn7; P0wn; Pwn'd; N00d; Powne; Ownd; Power ownage; Pownage; P0wnage; Pwnd; Po0wned; Pwen; Ponage; Pwner; Prwn; J00s; User:Jarcanist/Leet; Haxors; L33t5p34k; 3l33t; W33t; Web Speak; H4x0ring; Haxing; 133+; P33n; 1337 sp33k; Warez text; 1337 sp34k; Leet speek; L33t speek; 1337 speek; L33tspeek; L33t sp34k; N00bz; J00r; Leeet; Z0mg; L33tsp34k; 1e3t; 1ee7; 31337 speak; LEE7; Lamez0r; L33tsp33k; 1337 5P33K; Hakspeak; P3n; D00dz; 13375934k; Leet language; Hacker speek; 4w3s0m3; LEET; A guide to the hacker language; 1337speak; H4x; N0rp; 10100111001; X4x0r; L33+; 3133t; Suxor; 3l337; @$$; CHix0r; Leet-speak; Leet (language); English Leet; Noobspeak; Haxxor; 1337 haxor; R0x0r; Leet/1337; 1337 language; L337 Sp34k; Example of leetspeak; Sux0r; L33t speak; R0x0rz; Netspeek; 1N4N3; Thr33; 1337 speak; 133t5p33k; Leet Speak; H4xor; Ph33r t3h ...; 133t; Hax0r; Cracker slang; Computer cracker slang; Suxx0r; Pheer; Roxxorz; H4X0R; Leeter; Roxxor; Suxxor; El33t; Leetspeek; Ph33r; Roxorz; P33n0r; L33t sp33k; 13375p34k; L33tspeak; 1337 5p34k; Pr0n; Haxor; 1337 Speak; 31337; Leet speak; Leetspeak; L33T; L33t; D00dsp33k; L337; 1337!1; Ph34r; K-rad; 1337n00b; PWND; Chix0r; Hax0rz; Pooned; Ch1x0r; Leetification; Epic pwn; Eleet; Eleetspeak; L3e7; Lee7; L3et; Le3t; Le37; 1eet; 13et; 1e37; 13e7; L33tsp3ak; 133t 5p34k; L33+ Sp34k; L33+ $P34K; 1337sp34k; 13375p334k; 3v4r; Nrop; 1337 (slang term); B00bs; 1337 5p33k; Pr0nz; Pwnsday; 1337spk; 1337 spk; 13375p33k; User:Avriette/Leet; 1337-speak
  • An "31337 H4X0R" (elite hacker) laptop sticker, along with a [[Kevin Mitnick]] sticker
  • alternate mark inversion.]]
  • Various [[display device]]s showing 1337
  • An example of the term ''pwned'' in a'' [[Laugh-Out-Loud Cats]]'' comic strip

Alternative spelling of porn. This word is used to bypass adult filters, which have since been configured to notice the word pr0n as well as the word porn. People still use it because it looks hip, which, translated, means it looks really stupid and uneducated.
sum1 hook me up wit sum BRITNEY SPEARZ PR0N W00T W00T!
ASCII porn         
ASCII pr0n; ASCII pornography
The term ASCII porn –sometimes typographically euphemized as "ASCII pr0n"Kerstin Mey, Art and Obscenity, I.B.



Leet (or "1337"), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is a system of modified spellings used primarily on the Internet. It often uses character replacements in ways that play on the similarity of their glyphs via reflection or other resemblance. Additionally, it modifies certain words based on a system of suffixes and alternate meanings. There are many dialects or linguistic varieties in different online communities.

The term "leet" is derived from the word elite, used as an adjective to describe skill or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and computer hacking. The leet lexicon includes spellings of the word as 1337 or leet.