race-suicide - перевод на русский
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race-suicide - перевод на русский

Epidemiology and Methodology of Suicide; Epidemiology and methodology of suicide; Suicide epidemiology; Race and suicide; Sexual orientation and suicide; Suicide and sexual orientation; Racial disparities in suicide rates
  • s2cid=10646644 }}</ref>
  • access-date=4 March 2020}}</ref>
  • Suicide vs violent deaths 2016
  • Suicide-deaths-per-100000-trend
  • more than 27.5}}
  • Suicides by month and day of week for the United States, 1999–2004. Data from the CDC.<ref name="cdc.gov"/>
  • access-date=19 March 2017}}</ref> Racial and ethnic groups defined by the U.S. [[Office of Management and Budget]].



общая лексика

вымирание, вырождение народа

race-suicide noun вымирание, вырождение народа
race suicide         
  •  A newspaper photograph from 1919 of [[Joseph Patrick Tumulty]] with his wife and six children, under the headline "President Wilson's Private Secretary Is Not an Advocate of Race Suicide"
Draft:Race Suicide (diamsbiguation); Draft:Race Suicide (disambiguation); Race Suicide (disambiguation); Race suicide (disambiguation)
вымирание народа вследствие искусственного снижения рождаемости


многодневное международное соревнование велосипедистов по маршруту Варшава - Берлин - Прага; проводилось ежегодно (с 1948) редакциями газет "Трибуна люду", "Нойес Дойчланд" и "Руде право". В 1985-86 проводилась также по территории СССР редацией газеты "Правда". Среднее число участников ок. 100. В командном зачете наибольшее число раз (20) побеждали советские велосипедисты (1990); в личном - поляк Р. Шурковский (1970-71, 73, 75); среди советских гонщиков - С. А. Сухорученков (1979, 84).


Epidemiology of suicide

An estimated 1 million people worldwide die by suicide every year. Globally, suicide ranks among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15–44 years. Attempted suicides are up to 20 times more frequent than completed ones.

Incidence of suicide in a society depends on a range of factors. Clinical depression is an especially common cause. Bullying can also drive people to suicide, as it increases social isolation. Substance abuse and severe physical disease or infirmity are also recognized as causes. The Eastern Europe and East Asia regions have the highest suicide rate worldwide. The region with the lowest suicide rate is the Caribbean, followed by the Middle East.

Differences in suicide rates between genders are prominent, with males dying by suicide at a higher rate in almost every country in the world. However, females of all age groups tend to show higher rates of reported nonfatal suicidal behaviors.