allusion - meaning and definition. What is allusion
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What (who) is allusion - definition

Allusions; Literary allusion; Allusive; Allusiveness; Allude; Allusively; Cultural allusion; Talmeeh; Alusion
  • Theseus and the Minotaur]]

·noun A figurative or symbolical reference.
II. Allusion ·noun A reference to something supposed to be known, but not explicitly mentioned; a covert indication; indirect reference; a hint.
[?'lu:?(?)n, -'lju:-]
¦ noun an indirect or implicit reference.
?the practice of making allusions.
C16: from Fr., or from late L. allusio(n-), from alludere (see allude).
An allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something.
The title is perhaps an allusion to AIDS.
N-VAR: oft N to n



Allusion is a figure of speech, in which an object or circumstance from unrelated context is referred to covertly or indirectly. It is left to the audience to make the direct connection. Where the connection is directly and explicitly stated (as opposed to indirectly implied) by the author, it is instead usually termed a reference. In the arts, a literary allusion puts the alluded text in a new context under which it assumes new meanings and denotations. It is not possible to predetermine the nature of all the new meanings and inter-textual patterns that an allusion will generate. Literary allusion is closely related to parody and pastiche, which are also "text-linking" literary devices.

In a wider, more informal context, an allusion is a passing or casually short statement indicating broader meaning. It is an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication, such as "In the stock market, he met his Waterloo."

Pronunciation examples for allusion
1. It's a "Doctor Who" allusion.
Trans Women Writers _ Imogen Binnie, Red Durkin + More _ Talks at Google
2. It's the Passover allusion to the person
Do the KIND Thing _ Daniel Lubetzky _ Talks at Google
3. the essence of a "Community" allusion.
Community Season 5 _ Donald Glover, Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs & More _ Talks at Google
4. are sure is an allusion to something
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5. instead of writing varieties of religious allusion?
36 Arguments for the Existence of God _ Rebecca Goldstein _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of allusion
1. Was this the moment for obscure literary allusion?
2. Wiegman has them do an allusion project, looking for examples in American culture.
3. The allusion to an ailing institution currently enjoying a revival is no accident.
4. It appears to be an allusion to recent news articles about California GOP Rep.
5. It‘s an allusion to the bubonic plague, which visited an unquenchable thirst upon its victims.