barrel - перевод на Английский
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barrel - перевод на Английский

Barrels; Aging barrel; Cask; Casks; Angel's share; Ageing barrel; Over a barrel; Barrel aging; Barrel ageing; Over the barrel; Barrel (storage); Aging barrels; Angels' Share; Beer barrel; Beer-barrels; Wooden barrel; Foeder; Flour barrel; Barrel hoop; Beer cask
  • The angels' share fungus, ''[[Baudoinia compniacensis]]'' on bark, top, with an unaffected sample below
  • char]] giving the bourbon its characteristic copper color.
  • Castle Rock]] [[microbrewery]] in [[Nottingham]], [[England]]
  • Blue 55-US gallon (44 imp gal, 200 L) barrel (drum)
  • 1889 world exposition]] in Paris.
  • barrel]] made with glass barrel head to show the layer of [[flor]] floating on top of the aging wine.
  • 1940}}
  • Wine barrels in Napa Valley, California, USA
  • Wooden wine barrel at an exhibition in [[Croatia]]
  • Traditional oak barrels made by Chilean cooperage Tonelería Nacional
  • Wine barrel parts
  • Shaping barrel staves
  • Beer barrels at the Munich [[Oktoberfest]]
  • The angels' share in the [[sherry]] aging produces fungus on the walls.
  • A half-completed beer barrel; in wine barrel cooperage this set-up is called "mise en rose".

  • A balloon begins to rise over the brand new Halley VI Research Station, which had its grand opening in February 2013
User:FoxBee/BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses); BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses); Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses


общая лексика

полая часть (стержня пера)

туловище (лошади, коровы)

барабанная полость (уха)

баррель (мера вместимости сыпучих тел и жидкостей = 181,7 л, для нефти = 159 л, для пива = 163,65 л; тж. мера некоторых твёрдых материалов, напр., мыла = 116,1 кг, свинины = 90,7 кг и т.п.)








разливать по бочонкам



дословная передача


строительное дело

баррель (нефти и т. п.)

баррель цемента (равен четырём мешкам)

лоток для воды (в дорожной трубе)

барабан, цилиндр

труба сифона, сифонный водовод

стакан пробоотборника

нефтегазовая промышленность

характеристика продуктивности нефтяного месторождения в баррелях суточной добычи

камера (гидравлического домкрата, механизма гидравлической подачи)

втулка (насоса)


цилиндр (скважинного насоса)

колонковая труба

барабан лебёдки

Смотрите также

honey barrel; fettling barrel; fire-hose barrel; graduated barrel; load barrel; arch barrel; core barrel; double core barrel; barrels of acid water per day; barrels of acid water per hour; barrels of acid water under load; barrel of cement; barrel of fishing basket; barrels of condensate; barrels of condensate per day; barrels of condensate per hour; barrels of condensate per million; barrels of fluid; barrels of fluid per day; barrels of fluid per hour; barrels of formation water; barrels of fracturing oil; barrels of load oil; barrels of load oil recovered; barrels of load oil yet to recover; barrels of mud; barrels of new oil; barrels of oil; barrels of oil per calendar day; barrels of oil per day; barrels of oil per hour; barrels of oil per producing day; barrel of oil well pump; barrels of pipeline oil; barrels of pipeline oil per day; barrels of reservoir crude; barrels of salt water; barrels of salt water per day; barrels of salt water per hour; barrel of slurry; barrels of water; barrels of water injected per day; barrels of water load; barrels of water over load; barrels of water per day; barrels of water per hour; balanced core barrel; ball bearing core barrel; basket barrel; bottom discharge core barrel; cable-tool core barrel; casing barrel; clay barrel; clay coring barrel; core barrel of double tube-rigid; core barrel of double tube-swivel; core retrieving barrel; deep-well pump barrel; deep-well working barrel; Denison core barrel; diamond core barrel; core barrel with rubber sleeve; double-tube core barrel; double-tube core barrel of bottom discharge mud; double-tube rigid barrel; dry-sample barrel; extension core barrel; floating-tube core barrel; full flow core barrel; gun barrel; inner barrel; large-diameter design core barrel; liner barrel; main drum barrel; mud barrel; oil barrel; oil well pump barrel; orienting core barrel; outer barrel; outside barrel; Pickard core barrel; plain core barrel; poor-boy core barrel; pressure core barrel; pump barrel; reaming barrel; removable rectilinear core barrel; reservoir barrels; retractable core barrel; retrievable inner barrel; reverse-circulation core barrel; rigid-type core barrel; rigid-type double core barrel; rubber sleeve core barrel; sampler barrel; sampling barrel; sandblast barrel; sawtooth barrel; sectional core barrel; single-tube core barrel; siphon barrel; sleeve-type core barrel; sludge barrel; soil-sample barrel; split barrel; split inner-tube core barrel; split-tube barrel; starting barrel; starting casing barrel; stationary inner-tube core barrel; stock tank barrels; subsurface liner working barrel; subsurface pump working barrel; swivel barrel; swivel-tube core barrel; swivel-type double tube core barrel; traveling barrel; triple-tube core barrel; valve barrel; water-cutoff core barrel; winch barrel; winding barrel; wireline core barrel; working barrel



общая лексика





баррель (мера жидких, сыпучих и некоторых твёрдых материалов: мыла, солонины и т. п.)

трубка (в авторучке)

полость (в карандаше)

круп (лошади, коровы)

бочка, бочонок

баррель (мера жидких, сыпучих и некоторых твердых материалов)

ствол, дуло (оружия)

брюхо (лошади, коровы)

разговорное выражение



военное дело

ствол (огнестрельного оружия)








тубус (микроскопа)

цилиндр, барабан, вал

строительное дело

свод (туннеля)


барабанная полость (уха)

барабанная полость (уха)


«кубышка» (средства на ведение политической кампании)

собирательное выражение

деньги для финансирования какой-л. кампании


общая лексика

разливать по бочкам

затаривать в бочки

хранить на складе

разливать по бочонкам

разговорное выражение

двигаться очень быстро

  • A balloon begins to rise over the brand new Halley VI Research Station, which had its grand opening in February 2013
User:FoxBee/BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses); BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses); Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses
1) бочка
2) баррель (нефти и т. п.)
3) баррель цемента (равен четырём мешкам)
4) лоток для воды (в дорожной трубе)
5) барабан, цилиндр; втулка
6) труба сифона, сифонный водовод
7) стакан пробоотборника
  • A balloon begins to rise over the brand new Halley VI Research Station, which had its grand opening in February 2013
User:FoxBee/BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses); BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses); Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses
1) барабан
2) тубус


1) to tap a barrel
2) (misc.) (colloq.) to have smb. over a barrel ('to have placed smb. in a difficult position')



A barrel or cask is a hollow cylindrical container with a bulging center, longer than it is wide. They are traditionally made of wooden staves and bound by wooden or metal hoops. The word vat is often used for large containers for liquids, usually alcoholic beverages; a small barrel or cask is known as a keg.

Modern wooden barrels for wine-making are made of French common oak (Quercus robur), white oak (Quercus petraea), American white oak (Quercus alba), more exotic is Mizunara Oak all typically have standard sizes: Recently Oregon Oak (Quercus Garryana) has been used.

  • "Bordeaux type" 225 litres (59 US gal; 49 imp gal),
  • "Burgundy type" 228 litres (60 US gal; 50 imp gal) and
  • "Cognac type" 300 litres (79 US gal; 66 imp gal).

Modern barrels and casks can also be made of aluminum, stainless steel, and different types of plastic, such as HDPE.

Someone who makes barrels is called a "barrel maker" or cooper (coopers also make buckets, vats, tubs, butter churns, hogsheads, firkins, kegs, kilderkins, tierces, rundlets, puncheons, pipes, tuns, butts, pins, troughs and breakers).

Barrels have a variety of uses, including storage of liquids such as water, oil, and alcohol. They are also employed to hold maturing beverages such as wine, cognac, armagnac, sherry, port, whiskey, beer, arrack, and sake. Other commodities once stored in wooden casks include gunpowder, meat, fish, paint, honey, nails and tallow.

Early casks were bound with wooden hoops and in the 19th century these were gradually replaced by metal hoops that were stronger, more durable and took up less space. The term barrel can also refer to roughly cylindrical containers or drums made of modern materials like plastic, steel or aluminium.

The barrel has also been used as a standard size of measure referring to a set capacity or weight of a given commodity. For example, in the UK a barrel of beer refers to a quantity of 36 imperial gallons (160 L; 43 US gal). Wine was shipped in barrels of 119 litres (31 US gal; 26 imp gal). A barrel of oil, defined as 42 US gallons (35 imp gal; 160 L), is still used as a measure of volume for oil, although oil is no longer shipped in barrels. The barrel has also come into use as a generic term for a wooden cask of any size.

Примеры произношения для barrel
1. Four Barrel, et cetera.
Verve Coffee Roasters _ Colby Barr _ Talks at Google
2. Barrel headfirst into fear.
Creative Trespassing _ Tania Katan _ Talks at Google
3. They arrested the barrel.
4. Pork barrel barbecue sauce.
Shark Tales _ Barbara Corcoran _ Talks at Google
5. then six-barrel carburetors.
The Impulse Society _ Paul Roberts _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для barrel
1. A barrel of oil (42 gallons) is $70, and a barrel of bottled water is $450.
2. Meanwhile, oil rose by $3 per barrel to cross $114 per barrel.
3. Yesterday, prices were about $74 per barrel, compared with about $40 per barrel at the start of 2005 and just $20 per barrel at the beginning of 2002.
4. Prices peaked at over $145 a barrel in July 2008, before falling below $100 a barrel in September resulting in a year to date average of about $114 a barrel, up from $72 a barrel in 2007.
5. Crude prices were slipping from about $70 a barrel in August toward $50 a barrel.